Starting a Recycling Business with Anwar Khan and Colin Hively

August 12, 2020

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Anwar is a 20-year-old student-entrepreneur and rising junior at the University of Miami studying Environmental Science. Anwar co-founded his first company his freshman year of college and has continued to pursue this and various other ventures. Anwar’s areas of experience include sustainability, software, and recycling.

Colin Hively is a 21 year old entrepreneur and student of ecosystem science and economics at the University of Miami. Beyond his work with Cycle, Colin works with researchers to crack the code on soil health restoration and sustainable agriculture using a combination of natural methods and high tech analytics. Colin grew up in New England and has past work experience in finance and political strategy.

John Shegerian: This edition of the Impact Podcast is brought to you by engage. Engage is a digital booking engine revolutionising the talent booking industry. With hundreds of athletes, entrepreneurs, speakers, and business leaders, engage is the go-to spot for booking talent for your next event. For more information, please visit

John: Welcome to another edition of the Impact Podcast. I am so excited to have two young co-founders with me today Colin Hively and Anwar Khan are the founders of cycle. Welcome to the Impact Podcast guys.

Colin Hively: Anwar, [inaudible].

Anwar Khan: I am happy to be here.

Colin: My name first Anwar.

Anwar: Little upset.

Colin: Thank you, for having here us John.

John: More than happy to have you guys on. We are doing this in a triangle today, were I am here in my studio in Fresno, California, and you guys are in, who is in Rhode Island and who is in Omaha, Nebraska today?

Colin: I am in Omaha, Nebraska and Anwar is Omaha.

Anwar: Yes. Colin here and I am in Rhode Island.

John: Got you. I want for our listeners out there to find their company cycle. You could go to I am on their site right now. It is, and where else can they find you in social guys?

Colin: You can get us on the another link that works as well as and you can find us on Instagram at recyclesmarter, as well as LinkedIn where it would be you can find on cycletechnologyinc.

John: Perfect. So guys talk a little, you are both young. I mean, Anwar you are 20 and Colin you are 21.

Colin: Yes, recently turned 21. Yes.

John: Super young guys, so which is great and fun because everyone can serve and everyone can make an impact and that is sort of the theme of today’s show. Talk a little bit about being students at the University of Miami and how did you guys meet and even dream up becoming entrepreneurs together?

Colin: Anwar, take this one away man.

Anwar: Absolutely. Well, I mean these whole things really been a journey. Me coming from a place in the heartland, Miami was more so of a polar opposite. I will say to say the least but no, I mean going to school down in Miami as well as kind of the balancing act of entrepreneurial ventures and school has been quite the learning experience as well as you know, just a fun thing to do with friends that care about some other things right and something that comment I like say is we like to keep it light. We were lucky guys we get to work on things that we enjoy every day and a beautiful place and love being surrounded by people with similar goals. So I mean, it is been an incredible adventure so far and Colin are kind of let you take how we met there.

Colin: Yes, so as far as my relationship with Anwar, I actually met his roommate, Connor, who is another one of our co-founders and integral member of the team. In my English class freshman year and we just became friends and Anwar and he obviously we are buddies. They, the two of them had joined a business club at the beginning of the year and I– correct me if I am wrong, but I kind of, I mean, I study environmental policy or ecosystem science and policy, so when Anwar had approached me about maybe changing up one of his majors and moving into that section, he and I kind of developed our own independent relationship and then, when Anwar volunteered for this business club to do a presentation, he came up with this idea of really wanting to renew and reinvigorate these ideas of like recycling incentives kind of similar to bottle deposit schemes. So he enlisted, Connor Pohl, his roommate, Noah Barrows another one of our co-founders and myself was on the tail end and we got together and threw together really, really short presentation. We did not win, but we did turn some heads. Actually the assistant dean of the Miami Business School, Miami Herbert Business School, EllenMarie McPhillip who is been a huge mentor of ours. Basically, took us aside and said, this could be something, what you guys are talking about here, you guys could actually you can impact here, and if you guys are serious about this then Miami will work with you. That just kind of set our– and then she gave us a basically idea of, well, if you guys keep on this between now, this is November and like 2018, right Anwar, 2018?

Anwar: Yes.

Colin: November 2018, and she said if you guys are serious about this and keep on it, then in the summer, the school will fly you guys out to a pitch competition out in California, in Diego. So that kind of was our original goal post and we just really shot for it and worked for it and we ended up going to that competition and we did other competitions in the spring and ended up actually winning some and winning some money which much to Anwar should run into paying for I think at minimum one dinner in California and then from there, on the other side of California, then things really got serious and we started raising money and initiating software development and there is a few other stories along the way but I am sure we can get to those throughout the podcast, that is the general idea.

John: How much money did you guys raise?

Colin: Right now, we are nearing around two hundred thousand dollars.

John: That is a lot of money. Harder than it seems, harder than you thought it would be or…

Colin: Oh, God.

Anwar: I got to call at six AM every morning about it.

Colin: That is me, his talking about.

Anwar: Oh, my God.

Colin: I do not know. I mean it is, you know, one of the things that we kind of found early on is that, that is a full-time job in and of itself, right? Building a company and financing a company are very different things, although obviously related, but it really just came down to what we found to be the best strategy was just like, just putting our heads down and kind of really working and show do not tell us what we always say that is kind of a corporate culture we have tried to develop with our team and it really comes down to when we are having these conversations with prospective investors or business partners. The maximum that we can just show them, you know what we have done rather than having to tell them what we want to do, that always tends to make the conversation a little bit easier, but obviously when you are just starting out, it is not really there yet.

John: So what you learn so far is envisioning or dreaming up a business, building it, and raising the money for three different skill sets, three different challenges in the process of becoming an entrepreneur.

Anwar: I have sent…

Colin: From the class some time.

John: Getting good grades for mom and dad just stay on the rails.

Anwar: Something like that.

John: Guys help me out of here. As you guys know, I am in the recycling business myself and I have been doing this almost 18 years, but it is always great to hear young guys like your perspective. What is your generation? Think about the sustainability revolution, green solar, green cars, Tesla’s Priuses and recycling in general.

Anwar: Well, John, let me say one thing on your recycling business, it was funny. Colin and I were actually two weeks ago an Aurora Colorado making our way up the Rocky Mountains there and we passed by your facility out there. We saw the ERI and we say, “Huh,” interesting that that logo looks so familiar, kept that in the back of our head and then who knows two weeks later on the podcast with you.

John: Sort of small world, we have eight facilities nationally so that is sort of nice but thank you for that. Our Denver locations very busy, but we had a location in Denver for now almost 12 years. So yes, that is a small world, but when you really like, when you are starting to think about a business, you start connecting the dots. So just when you start seeing things, you are connecting the dots in your head like, who else is doing what I am doing or in adjacent space, so it is not shocking to me that it would stick out maybe if you were not in the business you are in or you are just too young guys having a blast but not doing what you are doing, maybe we never noticed it probably.

Anwar: I can tell you, I definitely would not have noticed it.

John: Right, right, right.

Anwar: No. On your point kind of discussing more so about our generation I would say, recently even over the past 10 years, you see these Gen Z’s, the common term is the millennials but really the Gen Z’s who are this hyper socially conscious group of individuals who are worried about the environment, worried about carbon emissions and you can see it reflected often times and now our consumer, consumption rather. It is interesting to see how much our consumption habits have changed and I actually saw stat the other day, consumers are willing to pay almost a quarter of the price more for products that are sustainably made and are willing to support sustainable companies and I would say overall. This whole idea of this social media and hyper connection to everyone shows, really shows you how important it is for millennials and Gen Z years to show this idea of social proof and virtue signaling that, hey, I am behind this green movement and I am doing my part to support that. That is something that we really thought we could take a hold of is utilizing this whole idea that everybody that is my age I would say, generally has a very positive outlook for where we are going and wants to show that they are doing their part to help.

John: That is awesome. Going back to the 200, is that enough to get you guys to where you want to go or you raising more money right now?

Anwar: I will let Colin answer that. He handles the fundraising.

Colin: We are always writing you, John.

John: Yes. So you know what? Perfect line as an entrepreneur, if your entrepreneur the rest of your life that is actually you are going to be your mantra, so that is actually makes a lot of sense.

Colin: Until the IPO which I guess actually ironically is just a way of raising more money. We are going to be raising money.

John: Right, right, right. What did you guys learn? What have you learned so far, and Anwar, I am going to throw this to you? What is the importance of increased demand and access to recycle retail products? Do you care now? If the new phone you buy or tablet you buy or nest that you buy or whatever and all these great gadgets and products made by great OEMS if they are making it out of more recycled material, more recycled aluminum or plastic or copper. Does that make a difference in your buying habits both of you and your friends with? I will throw that one to you, Anwar.

Anwar: Well, here is the thing John. As I understand, ERI is primarily in electronic recycling. So I am inclined to say yes at least on the podcast, right?

John: Well, I appreciate that. Thank you very much.

Anwar: I would say so.

John: Okay.

Anwar: You know, increasingly right and in terms of the day to day consumer, marketplace you see a lot of these larger brands making pledges, right? All of our materials are going to be made of recycled plastic, fifty percent material but recycle plastic by 2050 all these align goals, right? We see that and we see the value that it has not only on the company side to display that they are being socially and environmentally and ecologically conscious, but as well on the consumer side to see that, okay, I only purchase recycled goods or I only purchase upcycled products and that as well we saw as a way to integrate into our platform, so what we are doing now is to close the loophole most in a way, right? We allow users to accrue points for the recycling habits and then within our application at the same time, they have the ability to shop for recycled– upcycled goods. So at the same time that user is recycling their plastic, they can now find a product that is made of that same recycled plastic. So you are really this whole idea of consumer material, new product that consumer and that is really what we are trying to do here.

John: God it is you are connecting people with a recycling habits to their buying habits and you are sort of the democratize, you are flattening the information curve on their activities both on there– on the back– end of life activities to their buying habits, is that sort of it or I might misstating that?

Anwar: Yes, exactly.

Colin: I think, we actually ironically we had a conversation with Julie Young, one of the members in our marketing team today and we were talking about, what is our core value add? In terms of forward compatibility, the things were…

John: Right.

Colin: What is it beyond just this app that we want this brand to be and what we want to represent and really what it is, is it is empowerment, right? So it is, what we do in a way it is, I think it is super cool and maybe I will take this opportunity to explain a little bit about what cycle does as well. So…

John: Go ahead.

Colin: …hanging one out there who is seen a ball deposit machine before the term of our for the more kind of new fangled versions are called RVM Reverse Vending Machines the cycle app connects with reverse vending machines and allows you do to accrue refunds in the form of points into a wallet which you can either do a direct withdrawal through PayPal or into a bank account, donate the value of your recyclable to the charity of your choice or use them as potential refund– as placental discounts on a marketplace. So that is principally what we do and what that is empowerment, right? Because if I am– you know, Joe Schmoe sitting on the side of the road and I have a plastic bottle, all I can do is throw into a trash can, that is not a particularly empowering moment and actually what it did. It is disempowering because that person might want to recycle it, they might understand that there is inherent value to that product into that material but they do not know how to do that, right? So what we do with this platform as we allow people to turn their waste not only into rewards but into a voice for them to create a demand loop on these circular economic products, right? So that is principally what we are doing and we think it is actually really disruptive and has the potential to make a lot of change.

John: Got it. Colin, what has been the– everyone before they start a new journey. Obviously, what you write out a business plan, my experience as a serial entrepreneurs when you write out of business plan at the kitchen table, when you get into it and by the time you start really creating the venture, it is not what you had in the plan. Things change, you got to evolve, you got to stay flexible, you got to be adaptable to things you learn along the way and market changes and market forces. What is been the most eye opening experience for you guys, Colin, while you build this company?

Colin: Well, the first thing I would say is if you think writing a business plan on a kitchen table is hard imagine doing it any university cafeteria. Principally what I would probably say is, a company is an organization of people, right?

John: Right.

Colin: We could talk about software all day. We could talk about infrastructure all day, different technologies, what works, what does not, ways streams, but at the end of the day, what we are trying to do is we are trying to connect people we work with. Users to this element of the economy and this problem set in a unique and kind of new way. So, you learn a lot about people through that whether that is through design thinking around building the app and building the user experience or working together, I mean, we were talking obviously kind of be, before we came on air about this, their ridiculousness and kind of absurdity of the past year in terms of in one way our growth but also just the experience so, for everyone obviously, every listener that was not on before the show started. We all were, some of us were roommates and some of us were not, before our sophomore year since we started this our freshman year, in our sophomore year all but two of our core team members moved into the same house together. We are still 21 year old college kids and having all those experiences and still going through all that and dealing with those trials and tribulations. Then on top of that, we are trying to build this thing that we are all extremely passionate about and that we know has, like, I said write a potential to make a real impact.

John: Colin, I see a lot of young people on your website, how many of them are the core teams? I just want to understand how many people were living in this house. Please help me out and help our listeners out here.

Colin: So there were eight people in the house actually.

John: Or their cameras and video cameras, this is going to be a Netflix special or something on MTV or something like that?

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Colin: No comment. So six of those members were actually now as I suppose, yes, six. We are kind of part of the core team now and then Julie Young and Noah Barrows who are part of our new Miami team. We are not living in the house with us. Not that makes them any less valuable to the team, but it is just not the way to trick out and yes. So it was Connor Pohl, Anwar, myself, Harrison Mount, and Jack VanderMolen, all living together. Yes, I mean that right there that is a pressure cooker. I mean it really is and actually on the MTV special joke, Harrison makes the point of joking around about how so you said when someone makes a movie about this, there is going to be a montage of every morning, me waking up at eight AM to and walking across it in my boxers to Anwar’s room to go do a software development meeting and with what the developer team were working with. So, I mean, it is just an experience, right?

John: So simple.

Colin: Learning how to work with each other and learning how to build something, I think is probably been the biggest eye opening experience. What do you think, Anwar?

Anwar: Yes. No, I totally agree, right, it is been a fun experience just being in that house and living together. It is funny for about 2 months there, we had that our first reverse vending machine, just sit in the house, we are working on it. We, prototyping and sometimes we had have friends over and they want to put cans.

Colin: Fruit cans.

Anwar: Yes, fruit cans for the Super Bowl and it is a whole thing.

John: I mean, when you think about it, if garages are the domiciles of the great ventures that come out of Silicon Valley house in Miami Beach sort of makes sense, but it is sort of like, you use the words pressure cooker. Yes, but it really is hard for you guys to take your eye off the ball when you are all living together, you got a machine right in the house.

Colin: Exactly.

John: I mean, literally. I mean, you are these no way of not thinking about what you are doing, even if you do not want to be thinking about it that they given time. It is still always now these reminders or people reminding you or the machine reminding you that huh, maybe I should be focused back on our business enterprise.

Colin: I think that was part of the core idea.

John: Yes.

Colin: I…

John: There is genius to that, there is genius to that.

Colin: It was great. I think, and now I am actually now moving into an apartment with someone else although we are not breaking the relationship with the company. Anwar could do that, he tried. Then now, yes, still most of the guys are there. Everyone is going to be and girls everyone is going to be working together and living together and make a great experience.

John: Anwar, where you going to live after when you guys go back to the Miami?

Anwar: So we are moving into a different house now and thank God, we got five now instead of the eight that kitchen was getting a little cluttered. Four out of the five members in the house or on the core team, so I imagine it is going to be kind of a restart.

John: Similar. Is there going to be a machine in the house?

Anwar: Hopefully. Well, I kind of like what you are saying John. I might put one right at the front door just so it stares back it.

John: I like it. No I really dig it. When you are coming and going you are thinking about it and it is always a reminder. It was genius.

Colin: Believe me, it was the worst, John. There were a little bit and through not necessarily do the fault of anyone on the team but we are a little bit behind on launching the pilot. So, the original target was January, end up being a little bit later. Talk about our minor, I mean, every single day walking into that house, walk into the living room or the garage where we had our white board set up and stuff and we are drawing on the white refrigerator and it yes, it was a reminder not always a good reminder, but it was always a reminder.

John: Hey, listen. There is genius behind that and I give you guy’s credit. I just want to understand somehow, how many investors make up to 200,000 is that 1, or is it 10, or is it 30? Give me a rough number?

Colin: Closer to 10 than 1, but not 30.

John: Okay. Good. Okay. Did you ever have investor meetings at the house or investor meetings were at other places or their on Zoom coals or conference calls?

Colin: So Anwar and I, I am trying to think if we ever had an investor meeting at the house, Anwar? I cannot think of it but although it would have been. Well, we said we were going to get Rose down, but Ryan Rose his a huge advisor of ours and one of our first investors and shadow Ryan Rose, his actually in the podcasting business. Yes. I do not think we ever had a meeting at the house, but it was– Anwar and I, we took some flights to get some deals through the pipeline one up to New York and I am trying to think but no mostly through phone and or office space.

John: Got it. Colin, you are the head of strategy for cycle, from a strategic perspective, talk a little bit about leadership in this country, leadership in our cities. From a policy perspective, from a political perspective, how can we get all stakeholders involved in mitigating waste issues and not just leave it to your generation to shoulder the burden for the mess, my generation and generations before mine have made and created.

Colin: It is a phenomenal question, John. So I think for any leader, in terms of uniting a group of people, it is about finding common ground, right? Especially as people continue to have divergent information streams or worldviews, even faint systems, right? It is harder and harder to find common ground. Everybody’s mom tells them to clean up their room, right?

John: Right.

Colin: So I think there is something to be said about and very few people walk around a dirty city and they say wow, how great is this.

John: Right.

Colin: I think honestly waste is a unifying element. One of the things we talked about, one of our earliest meetings. Someone said, well, how do you feel when an investment said no, actually what you tend to learn more from than the investors who say yes, but they said, well, what about you guys are talking all about climate and the environment stuff and he was kind of a climate change, not enough deniers right word, but was not necessarily fully bought into a lot of environmental principles. He said, well, no one here is talking about atmospheric models. You know what I mean, John. We are talking about a turtle biting a plastic water bottle that should not be there. There is no one, you know in any corner of the country or the world for that matter that looks at that picture or of a seagull with an open stomach full of micro plastics or statistics about plastic bioaccumulation in the fish we eat and they say wow, that is a great. That is a great thing. So I think it is actually a unifying thing.

John: Got it. Anwar, you are collecting data and part of what you are doing what part of your value proposition and mission is data and waste collection and monitoring. Explain the interconnectivity of that all three of those and the value of data in this whole process.

Anwar: Right. So you kind of thinking right as that, you know pay as you throw model right. You are giving money on the front end for your recyclables instead of incurring all the costs at an institutional level on the back end, but you see a lot of these companies coming out now, right? Talking about block chain, enabled waste monitoring and what does is, right. Largely when you look at the waste management system, there is a lot of for lack of a better word, maybe sketchy activity that goes on in kind of a whole process. So the value of data, block chain and establishing where these lots of waste are going, who is handling them, what processor is taking this on really streamlines the whole process and allows for less plastic and waste to fall through the cracks for lack of a better term, right? So I think that when you look at it in the overarching view at least on our end, if we can get, if you can look at down to the bottle where each of these is coming from, at what region of the world is certain type of plastics or consumer products more valuable or more so more available. Then you can kind of see in pinpoint almost down really far to where the issue is really starting and I think that, it adds to a larger picture of improving our whole logistics chain. Right from the user, to the collector, to the processor, to the re-processor. Right, it all leads to that larger picture of a more concerted and an accurate representation of where our waste data is not and how we handle it.

John: So in other words, what you can measure you can manage better.

Colin: Exactly. Right, right. I might even hop in it and another thing and say, on the marketplace side which are not touched on earlier obviously, for those, if we the people who are using saying our platform are people that care, right? That is an important demographic and a growing demographic and access to those users behaviors, where the machines they are using are and even to a degree, what products that they are buying both on the marketplace and what products they are disposing of all of that allows us to create a fuller picture of this economy that we are trying to draw into a circle basically.

John: Got you. For listeners who have just joined us, we have got young entrepreneurs, Anwar Khan and Colin Hively with us today. They are the CEOs and co-founders and the head of strategy and the co-founder, but Colin and Anwar of cycle technology they are better known as cycle. You could find them at, and on Instagram and other social media platforms. Guys, we are living through weird times right now with this Covid-19 their tragic. It is hit America. It is hit everyone in the world, businesses, governments, city, states, universities, everyone is affected, families obviously. How has it impacted your business as a young venture? How has it impacted you guys and how you guys made adjustments and foresee coming through this and getting to the other side?

Colin: You want to say this one, Anwar?

Anwar: Yes, sure. Absolutely. I can touch on that and you know John, I definitely say that when you look at it from a young startup, this time unfortunately for a lot of startups is almost do or die right? There is lack of capital, there is a lack of investment and something that we even saw right is with us, the way we actually started, accruing funding was through these startup competitions at our universities that kind of allowed us to bootstrap that whole thing there, but I would say that we have gotten pretty lucky in terms of the ability to adjust and to use this time as a business development period as well as a technology period. Right now actually as we speak we are adjusting our user experience and our technology experience to relate to and kind of keep in mind the whole Covid pandemic and this new consciousness of no touch user experiences things of that nature. In terms of adjusting from this on the business development side and I will let Colin kind of touch on some of the more exciting prospects. We kind of have coming, I would say that largely the team used this opportunity to really, really go all in and just develop the technology the marketing and so that when we come out of this, we talked about a lot within the team. We are kind of loading in spring right now, right? W are loading a spring so that when the world hopefully does get back to normal or some version of that, we are ready to go and we are ready to hit the ground running, but yes, I will let Colin can I touch on you know on the biz div side where we are kind of seeing our resiliency.

John: That is great.

Colin: Yes. So yes that was exactly our point, Anwar. I think that they are, so for example, so there all these articles and stuff that are getting ready right now about how a lot of the startups that are now ironically household names and feel as ubiquitous, as American brands as Coca-Cola, whether that is Uber or Airbnb or Lift or others, developed out of 2008 and the need for a level of economic restructuring there, right? Those are all sharing economy applications, someone being able to turn their empty bedroom into a hotel room, allows them to have more resilient financial future and we think that what is going to come to the other side, what is going to come out on the other side of this is going to be really a resilience and sustainability focused growth period. One of the places that everything, everybody is talking about as somewhere where we need to do a lot of work on resiliency as our supply chains, right? Whether that is dependence on a foreign manufacturing base, an inability to efficiently manage process or export plastics obviously after the 2018 China ban on imports. So I think that– and on top of that obviously, people are going to want to give back and people are going to want to work with their communities to improve. So I think, we are, well actually well positioned to come out of the other side of this as a kind of one of the silver linings if you will, but yes, kind of like Anwar says as well. We are taking this time to really focus on partnerships, whether that is prospective clients, we have been able to have phenomenal conversations with whether it is big companies that own ski resorts or even some foreign conference centers, all these different things have kind of come to light in this time because we cannot focus as heavily on operations because operations are largely halted in terms of the logistics and ground operations.

John: Right.

Colin: We really, you know, nothing stopping us from sending emails or doing podcasts, right? So right now we are focusing on strengthening the team and just building those partnerships. So like Anwar were saying, we hit the ground running.

John: What do you guys want to be here from now?

Colin: Everywhere.

John: Where does everywhere being guys?

Colin: You want, Anwar?

Anwar: Yes, yes. I will take it.


Colin: So I guess the best way to answer that question is to look at our growth strategy. So, the initial growth strategy that we had targeted was through this campus expansion program where we reached out through a network, our own networks and our co-workers networks and others to college campuses across the country. So I think right now, we are talking with– we have campus directors at 13, right 13, American universities, Anwar?

Anwar: Yes, I would say something around there, yes, 13.

Colin: That is everywhere. So that is the West Coast, that is the southeast, the southwest, the northeast, and Midwest, obviously that is stalled right now, but what we found is that we have actually had people reach out to us. Corporate workspaces, I mentioned conferences and others. So to look for our programming or to get our system implemented on there as part of their waste management infrastructure. So I think we are just really going to focus on big partnerships, whether that is, if we can get on the phone with people from like six flags or any down to the port authority in New York or something, places where we can work to implement large scale distribution of this machinery as well as our software is what we are focusing on and the university growth program is still very much so going on, but that is obviously largely dependent on how things unfold gone through fall.

Anwar: John, something I would add to that is, as Colin mentioned right speaking with a lot of private corporations about implementing our infrastructure but as well at the municipal level, right? Municipalities often have trouble managing their waste even down to the consumer level. So I think it lends itself and something that is really, I would say one of the largest value adds of our infrastructure is we allow for our– or I guess in essence the technology and system itself allows for it to be ubiquitous in a sense that it not only is available in a bottle deposit state, of the tender bottle deposit states but our system and the way that our redemption and deposit scheme works, it can also be utilized in non-deposit state. So in place like Florida, that does not have a bottle bill in place where the value of the plastic water bottle aluminum can be inserted, there is no set price for that. We have found a way to essentially incentivize that recycling with a financial reward, even if that reward maybe ever changing based off the commodity value. So, like Colin said right, we are really putting feelers out there and you look at the municipal level, the event waste management level and as well private corporations, it all lends itself to the idea that this thing can be very ubiquitous in the ecosystem where ever you are and we are really excited to get our name out there and get some going.

John: I am really excited about what you guys doing. Before we say goodbye today, give me one role model that each of you look up to?

Anwar: I would say Leonardo DiCaprio is definitely someone I have always wanted to talk to you as an environmentalist and I have always wanted to be in Hollywood.

Colin: You got the list, right?

John: Okay.

Anwar: Or role model.

John: I mean, someone who you like what they are doing. Is it Elon Musk? Is it Bezos? Is it is it the Al Gore? Is it somebody else?

Colin: I mean, I love Elon Musk, anything with space. I am a nerd about space, but I might go for someone out there kind of as well. Ironically that is had a huge impact, maybe, actually, I will say that for the next time we are on, but yes, I will go with Elon Musk. I like Elon Musk.

John: Got it. All right, well, guys, we have come to the end of this episode, but I want to thank you both. I am proud of you both, you both are making tremendous impression and impact on not only your colleagues down at the University of Miami, but the listeners out there. Does not matter how old you are, you can make a great impact in your community and make the world a better place and that is what you guys are doing to find, Anwar Khan and Colin Hively, you can go to their great website, You can also find them, guys, where can they find you on social media, on Instagram and everywhere else?

Anwar: Instagram is a recycle smarter. LinkedIn too.

Colin: Everyone can find us on LinkedIn.

John: By the way LinkedIn is a tremendous business resource and I am so glad you called out LinkedIn as well. Anwar, Colin, you are always invited back on this show to give me updates on what you guys are doing. We could even do the next one on Zoom or Skype, live from your new Miami home, right into my studio here and we could give the listeners a little view of what it looks like to be in a real entrepreneurial incubator for cycle. I wish you guys really great. Great. Luck in the next semester coming up down in the University of Miami. I want you to continually succeed at cycle and you are always welcome back on the Impact Podcast because both of you are making an impact and I am really grateful for that. Have a great day.

Colin: Well, we are going to have to talk to our lawyers before there are any cameras in the house, John, but I appreciate it.

John: It is an open invitation. We could do it over the phone lines as well like this, too.

Anwar: Thanks so much, John. Really appreciate it. Thanks for having us.