Discussing the Green Silicon Business with Jamak’s Al Micallef

December 17, 2010

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Al Micallef has painted himself an ecopreneur for years on top of nearly 30 years of ranching experience in his home state of Texas. A sort of jack of all trades, Micallef counts business owner, green agriculture expert, helicopter pilot, restauranteur and more as his job titles. Perhaps his most successful endeavor is the chance he took to enter the silicon business with Jamak Fabrication. “The cost of petroleum is only going to go up,” Micaleff says. “I thought, if we have a raw material that outperforms organic products and also has a stable source, then we might have a future,” Micallef says of silicon. Jamak has created a number of automotive products from silicon, namely green Tripledge wiper blades, which outperform and outlast (in fact, they have a lifetime guarantee) traditional rubber while leaving a smaller eco-footprint.

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