A Glutathione Revolution with Dr. Nayan Patel

March 16, 2021

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While there’s no real fountain of youth just yet, upping your levels of glutathione (GSH) can help you ward off life-threatening disease and symptoms of aging. GSH is the disease-fighting, age-slowing, energy-enhancing, beautifying antioxidant that many of us are just starting to be aware of. It helps do everything from bolstering immunity to lowering inflammation and regulating hormones–which means it has the potential to help protect against a long list of maladies (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s).

At the forefront of research, Dr. Nayan Patel offers the first book that really unpacks the power of this super antioxidant. The Glutathione Revolution is a guide that is both comprehensive and practical, outlining what exactly glutathione is–and what happens to us as it decreases over time. Dr. Patel shows us how to naturally kick it into overdrive to capitalize on the antioxidant’s innumerable benefits. With a 14-day plan, along with recipes, menus, and easy natural steps to boost glutathione levels in the body, you can feel younger and ward off the diseases of aging–naturally.

John Shegerian: This edition of The Impact podcast is brought to you by Engage. Engage is a digital booking engine revolutionizing the talent booking industry with hundreds of athletes, entrepreneurs, speakers, and business leaders. Engage is the go-to spot for booking talent for your next event. For more information. Please visit letsengage.com.

John: Welcome to another edition of The Impact podcast. I am John Shegerian. I am so honored to have with us today, Dr. Nayan Patel. He has written a great book. One that I have read myself, ‘The Glutathione Revolution’. Welcome to The Impact podcast, Dr. Patel.

Dr. Nayan Patel: Thank you. Thank you, John. I appreciate it.

John: You know, Nayan, we were talking before we started taping this. My readers, my listeners, and viewers can see that I thoroughly read your book. I marked it all up. I believe in active reading. Marking up a book, encircling things, and underlining things. Before we get talking about this important book, can you share a little bit about your background? How did you even come to discover the benefits of glutathione? And why did you even write this book?

Dr. Patel: The discovery started being as a compounding pharmacist making medications and working with doctors and patients to design all the drug therapies. And, of course, the first thing that came to mind was, “Can you please make some vitamin C that is absorbable and works really good?” Nobody could dream of doing glutathione because it has never been done before. We succeeded in making vitamin C but it is cost-prohibitive for people to buy the product. And so, we took it upon ourselves, myself, my pharmacist, and my researcher. I said, “Hey, let us do this product together.” So, that is the history of how glutathione came in because somebody asked us to make something. But the background starts from my early days at USC.

John: Fight on, doc. Fight on. Got it.

Dr. Patel: Thank you. It exposes you to think outside the box because if you follow the norm, you are behind somebody else versus if you step away from the pack, then, you can think and do something that can heal the world one day.

John: Wonderful.

Dr. Patel: So, that is the whole process that started this whole journey. It really gave me a jump start when I had my own pharmacy company to really make an impact.

John: How many years ago was that when you started realizing you are onto something really big that can change people’s health, wellness, and outlook on life?

Dr. Patel: That was thirteen years ago when I first discovered glutathione. Before that, I was trying a few things here and there and trying to go with the motion as what they were asking me for me to produce something that they have been asking me to make. But this was something that I did on my own and gives me the ultimate pleasure of, “Wow, we did create something that is brand-new and has never been done in the world before.” That was exciting.

John: Now, you wrote this book. And again, for my viewers and listeners, this book could change your life. Most of my viewers and listeners have been following my podcast for years. I really stress health and wellness in my life. I have been a vegetarian for over forty years and a vegan for over twelve years. I work out every day. I have been taking myself, orally, glutathione for a long time. This is just the bottle I brought in from my house. When I read your book, it changed even my perspective on the importance of glutathione, how it interacts in your body, and what benefits it could have. First, I would love for you to share with our audience, what are glutathione and GSH? What is it really?

Dr. Patel: GSH, which is glutathione in a short form, is a protein that is produced by humans in abundance. Our body produces this as a primary defense mechanism for the whole body. It is there to remove all the oxidative species, toxins, the exposures that we have from environmental sources, and, basically, keep our body clean at all times. So that, in a nutshell, is glutathione. Based on the function it does, it has been given different names. It has been given the name of the ‘mother of all antioxidants’ and ‘mass detoxifier’. And, it all depends on the function it does. It is a multifactorial molecule the body produces. We, as a human being and as a race, have tried to manipulate our body to function better instead of giving the resources our body needs because the body is enough. It has everything it needs to function properly and defend itself.

John: So, what happens? It is fascinating. In the book, you talked about so many different things from psoriasis to autoimmune diseases to Parkinson’s. Many things happen when our glutathione levels are low. Can you share what are some potential benefits of making sure our levels are correct? How do we figure out, first of all, where our levels are? And then, how do we correct them?

Dr. Patel: The glutathione in our body gets produced and has a very short life. It stays in the body for, maybe, four or five hours at most. If you do a blood test, you are going to hit and miss it. You may do a blood test when it is just about to get produced and you miss it, the levels are perfectly normal. Yet, if you do it four hours later, the levels are back to zero. So, it is very difficult to pinpoint what levels of glutathione you have in your body. At the same time, if you have an abundance of glutathione in your body, does it have negative effects? And, there are none at this point. If you have too much glutathione, it is still okay. If it is not enough, your body will not be able to clean itself up. That is what I call ‘lab testings’. It is to know how much glutathione you have in your body. But the key is, as we age in this modern-day society, we are so much focused on mental, physical, and chemical stress. We do not eat. We are always on the ‘go-go-go ‘ and our body is constantly under pressure. Under pressure, our body produces a lot of oxygen species and has inflamed from the inside because our body cannot get rid of all these toxins that have been produced internally by ourselves. Hence, even though the glutathione levels could be normal, it is not enough based on our lifestyle at this current point. And so, what I say is instead of figuring out how many levels you have or what levels you do, if you just follow the plan to eat the right foods, drink the right water, avoid all the toxins like alcohol, or something that we are not supposed to take in a regular basis, see if that makes a change in your life. If it does, the body is recovering. But the thing is we always look at a two-part issue, right? We want to supplement glutathione, and that is one way. The other one is, “Can we reduce the amount of toxins or the stress that we put on a body so we do not need that much glutathione on a daily basis?”

Dr. Patel: And so, people always think about and say, “Hey, what do I do to increase glutathione levels?” I always think, first of all, “What can I do so that my need for glutathione is not very high?” Then, “If I need a certain amount and I cannot produce that, I need supplementation at that point.”

John: Fascinating. For our listeners and viewers who had just joined us, we have got Dr. Nayan Patel with us. He has written this great book, ‘The Glutathione Revolution’. You can find this book on amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and other great bookstores in the United States and around the world. You also can find Dr. Patel at www.aurowellness.com. Nayan, we are all under stress. We are living still during this COVID-19 tragic period so we have external stresses that none of us have ever experienced before. Does keeping our glutathione levels up help ward off stress and some of the diseases that are caused by external stress besides internal stress?

Dr. Patel: Yes, it does. There have been a couple of studies that have been done especially for people with COVID. People that have COVID, traditionally, have low levels of glutathione, to begin with. And there was one study that has been published, I believe it was in Europe or Eastern Europe? There it shows that the levels of glutathione are very low. But we are experiencing a tremendous amount of stress that we have never seen before. Mental stress more than anything else. Our eating habits have changed to the point that we are not eating the right types of fruits and vegetables and what we call the rainbow color foods on a daily basis. If you do not do that part, we are not doing our part in maintaining our bodies’ optimum function. Our need if glutathione is probably at an all-time high during these times than I have seen before. We talked about chronic inflammation leading to autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease to me is, “Well, the doctors do not think what is wrong with you, but the cause is your body is attacking your own body.” I said, “Well, the body is not designed to attack yourself.” So, that means you are lacking something or, you have too much inflammation in your body that needs to be brought down so that your body can think as, “Well, it is not me that is self-destructing. Maybe there are outside sources that is doing this for us.” Glutathione to contract autoimmune conditions, diseases, or issues is paramount as to how we can optimize our levels of glutathione.

John: In your book, ‘The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging, and Increase Energy with the Master Antioxidant’, you talked about different types of glutathione. I never knew this. All these years I have been taking oral, I did not realize you could also get it intravenously, and also, via spray and gel. Can you explain how our body absorbs all different versions? And what should most of us be doing? What do you recommend in your great book on how we should be taking on glutathione to help us improve our life?

Dr. Patel: Absolutely, John. Thank you for asking that question. Even my doctor friends and my pharmacist do not understand what I am talking about half the time. Glutathione is a large molecule, so a protein. It is a three amino acid chain protein that is a large molecule. What happens when you eat proteins? When you eat proteins, your body will break them down into three different amino acids, then, the body will take those amino acids and try to produce proteins again. So, when you take glutathione by mouth, it does not matter if it is in a capsule form, or some emulsions, suspensions, or liposomes. All kinds of variations of glutathione that you can take by mouth, everything gets broken down into amino acids and the body would try to build up again. The other option is you have the intravenous forms of glutathione, which is currently not been approved by the FDA. There are doctors’ offices that do use compounding pharmacists to use this product. That goes straight into your venous system but keep in mind what I told you earlier, glutathione has a very short life. It is about three to four hours. When you do an intravenous form of glutathione, the life of the glutathione is only about ten to thirty minutes. Unless you can take a shot every thirty minutes for the rest of your life, you are not going to get something meaningful out of that one. It was not until thirteen years ago when we discovered this technology and we reduce the gluten particle size to something small enough so they can go through your skin. We developed this technology to basically stabilize the glutathione at room temperature in the water molecule and put it into this technology where it reduces the particle size and gets through your skin. So, for the very first time, we are sending an intact amount of protein through your skin and into your body.

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Dr. Patel: In a nutshell, my mind started going crazy. Back then, I had some hair but now I am completely bald because I was thinking way too much more than I had to. And even though discovering the molecule was hard enough, putting it into the clinical application was a monumental task for us. I was thankful to all the physicians and all my professors that trusted me and helped me go through this process. Today, we have a lot to share and that just told me why I had to write this book because it is just too much information for me to share.

John: I have never seen spray before and that methodology. Where can our viewers and listeners of The Impact podcast find the sprays that you say are very helpful for such things as scarring, surgery, Psoriasis, for absorption the right way, and these many uses you outlined in your great book. Where can they find these products?

Dr. Patel: John, I am sorry for the shameless plug for myself.

John: That is okay.

Dr. Patel: The sprays are patented. We have worldwide patents for these products. Our goal is to have two different product lines. One is for skin conditions because people have a tremendous amount of skin issues that are related to autoimmune conditions. The website is auroskincare.com. And my passion, of course, I work with physicians all around the world that is towards the wellness side. And that that website is aurowellness.com. Over there, I work with physicians. If your listeners are interested in learning more or talk to the physicians. Had the physicians talk to me, we can design plans for them. Absolutely.

John: That is wonderful. As I mentioned, I have been a vegetarian. I am fifty-eight now. I have been a vegetarian since I am seventeen. I have been a vegan for the last twelve or so years or more, mostly plant-based. Talk about what you talked about in your book about the eating do’s and don’ts. What should we be eating? What should we not be eating to maintain optimum health and wellness, Doctor? According to you, what you have learned over your illustrious career.

Dr. Patel: I always believed that people should do what I say, and not what I do. I said, “Well, that is not going to work.” Because people are going to look at me and say, “What do you do?”. And so, I cannot tell what people should do. I can tell them what I do and see if they can mimic a part of what I do, and hopefully, that is good therapy because I do believe that I live a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. I am a vegetarian myself. I became a vegetarian five years ago until the time I used to eat meat, maybe, once a month? It did not matter a whole lot.

John: Right.

Dr. Patel: But I said, “Do you know what? If I am going to preach what is right for me, I had to do the part.” So, I stopped and I am very much into fruits and vegetables and eating a healthy balanced meal. That means you got to eat all the different colors of fruits and vegetables. If you just eat the greens every single day, you are going to miss out on a lot of antioxidants as well from the other colors of the products as well. So, eating a multi-colored product of fruits and vegetable is what I advocate. I have some outlines in my book, but again, that is something that I do on a daily basis. You have got to keep life simple, right? And we have learned from so many people. If you just think about it, you wake up in the morning and this is what you are going to eat every day. Then, you do not have to think about it. Wake up in the morning and take your fruits and vegetables. If you have time to eat them and put it in a blender so you just make a smoothie out of it. But the key is when you make a smoothie out of it, people do not realize that when you chew is when you produce enzymes. So, if you drink it, you are not producing enzymes. I am stuck myself taking a smoothie in the morning with some enzyme capsules again. I have to juggle my busy lifestyle. As much as I want to do the right thing, I compensate for things I cannot do. If my patients are not going to do what I ask them to do, I tell them to, “Do what you can and supplement the glutathione with it. Supplement the enzymes with it. Supplement the acids that go with it.” I do not want them to rely on the medications, but I want them to use them as supplementation for things that you are not willing to do.

John: Nayan, since your book has come out, how has the response been? The people that have endorsed you are just some of the who’s who and greatest people in medicine. Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. David Perlmutter, and Dr. Daniel Amen, one of the greatest brain people on the planet. The response and the people that are endorsing you are just a who’s who in the medical field. How has the response been from your readers?

Dr. Patel: Again, these are physicians that I admire and I was fortunate for them to endorse my book. But the biggest pleasure I got was from Dr. Daniel Robinson. He was my professor of clinical pharmacy at USC. He is currently the dean at Western University School of Pharmacy in Pomona, California. When he read the book and he says, “Man, I am a big fan of you now.” I said, “Dr. Robinson, you taught me. I am here because of you. ” And the biggest pressure that happened to me is when he told me that he bought several books for his own family members and gifted them for Christmas. That just brought tears to my eyes because for the very first time, now, the professor is telling the student, “I like your work.” So, that is the biggest joy I have today.

John: I am not a medical professional, but I do take my health and wellness seriously, as does my family. And after reading your book, I am convinced that if this was a baseball game, Nayan, this is the top of the first inning. This seems like this revolution has only just begun and that there is much in front of you in terms of spreading the word and getting more people to balance this important antioxidant in their system. Do you feel that this is just the beginning as well?

Dr. Patel: You just asked me a question about my research because when this thing developed for the first time, I said, “Oh my God, this is history now.” And when I started using the practices, I said, “Do you know what? This is just the beginning.” I need to figure out these super different ailments I still have to work on. And so, using the technology, I have currently worked on different molecules and see if I can do the same thing with some of the harshest chemicals that are out there that their body produces internally that they cannot get from outside sources, mainly, NAD right now is huge. We have been working countless hours trying to stabilize that and go through your skin again for the very first time. We are working with companies and stem cells to see if we can figure out instead of getting stem cells, which is a large molecule, “Can I work with exosomes or something that our body can accept without having any concerns?” So, again, we are using technology to develop a product that our body produces internally and give it back to them. I am not interested in making a product that is a brand-new chemical that can be patented and try to deliver to the body. I want to empower my body to defend itself That is my slogan.

John: That is wonderful. There is a multitude of benefits that are discussed in this great book. Two of them. But one is that glutathione helps cleanse your liver. Is that correct? Did I have that right?

Dr. Patel: Yes. Absolutely. So, glutathione produces high enzymes in the liver. And again, that story maybe is in there or maybe it is not that there. I forgot which story end up in that book at the end of the day. But the story was we had a bunch of people that consume a lot of alcohol. And of course, alcohol goes to your liver. People all know about alcohol and things like that. When they started using the glutathione, they were still buzzing but they did not have that much hangover the next day. So, for the very first time, we realized, “Oh my gosh. Am I really promoting alcohol or for these young kids?” I was getting little mixed reviews, but at the same time, I realized that it is all about the liver. If I make your liver healthy, your body is able to process those toxins. Alcohol is one of the toxins that we readily consume because we think it is good for us. But in reality, it is the worst thing that we can drink.

John: That is really bad. Glutathione also helps ward off, potentially if taken in the right doses, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and even Parkinson’s disease. There has been a lot of credible studies with regards to the benefits of glutathione in warding off those horrific diseases as well, correct?

Dr. Patel: Yes. Those are primary concerns because of oxidative stress, oxidized cholesterol, and oxidation in your brain. You cannot reverse it. So, that is the reason why we cannot treat Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s. The only thing we have hope for is prevention. Prevention.

John: Well, this has been wonderful, Nayan. Again, for our listeners and viewers out there, if you want to find Dr. Patel and his great work. please go to aurowellness.com to find this important and great book which I highly recommend and I have read thoroughly. I have marked it all up and made notes in there. ‘The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging, and Increase Energy with the Master Antioxidant.’ You can find this at amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and other great book stores around the United States and the world. Change your life. Start taking this great product. Dr. Patel, you are making an impact. You are making the world a better place. You are helping to make us all live healthier and better lives. I thank you for your great work. I thank you for your time today. You are always welcome back on The Impact podcast to share your journey.

Dr. Patel: Thank you very much. I appreciate your time today.

John: This edition of The Impact podcast is brought to you by The Marketing Masters. The Marketing Masters is a boutique marketing agency offering website development and digital marketing services to small and medium businesses across America. For more information on how they can help you grow your business online, please visit themarketingmasters.com.