Amplifying Social Impact with Mary Alice Vuicic of Thomson Reuters

November 7, 2023

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Mary Alice Vuicic is the Chief People Officer at Thomson Reuters, where she leads human resources, communications, government affairs, and social impact/ESG. She has over 20 years of experience working in senior human resources positions at leading international organizations. Previously, she served as the Chief Human Resources Officer for L Brands, a portfolio of retail brands with nearly 90,000 associates. She has also held senior roles at Loblaw Companies Ltd., Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart Canada, and Chapters/Indigo.

John Shegerian: Have you been enjoying our Impact podcast and our great guests, then please give us a thumbs up and leave a five-star review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you consume your favorite podcasts. This edition of the Impact Podcast is brought to you by ERI. ERI has a mission to protect people, the planet, and your privacy and is the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States and maybe even the world. For more information on how ERI can help your business properly dispose of outdated electronic hardware devices, please visit This episode of the Impact Podcast is brought to you by Closed Loop Partners. Closed Loop Partners is a leading circular economy investor in the United States with an extensive network of Fortune 500 corporate investors, family offices, institutional investors, industry experts, and impact partners. Closed Loop’s platform spans the arc of capital, from venture capital to private equity, bridging gaps and fostering synergies to scale the circular economy. To find Closed Loop partners, please go to

John: Welcome to another edition of The Impact Podcast. I’m John Shegerian. I’m so honored to have with us today, Mary Alice Vuicic. She’s the Chief People Officer at Thomson Reuters. Welcome to the Impact Podcast, Mary Alice.

Mary Alice Vuicic: Thank you so much for having me, John. And hello to everyone.

John: It’s just an honor to have you on today. And Mary Alice, before we get chatting about all the important, impactful things you and your colleagues are doing at Thomson Reuters, can you share a little bit about your origination story? Where’d you grow up? How’d you get on this journey, and how’d you end up here at Thomson Reuters as the Chief People Officer?

Mary Alice: Yeah. Happy to share a bit about that. It starts very humbly. I grew up in southwestern Ontario, so I’m based in Toronto, and about four hours west of here is where I grew up. And I started working while I was in school and family businesses. And my parents, I’m first-generation Canadian. My mother is an immigrant to Canada. My father was born from immigrants to Canada, and they always had a commitment to giving back to the communities supporting other immigrants. And that really inspired in me and my brother and sister the same focus. And so I grew up with that. And then, in the roles, I had the benefit of working for companies that had a very strong purpose orientation. And that grew with each role. And certainly, when Thomson Reuters reached out, and I got to learn more about the organization and what they do, what really drew me in was the kind of work and the social impact that the organization has. So, I get to marry two passions of mine, which is social impact and talent, helping people achieve their potential.

John: Got it. So, these back 20 years ago when I started my company in the recycling industry, and 16 years ago, we started what was then a radio show and now has become a podcast. A lot of these roles didn’t exist. Chief Sustainability Officer, Chief Impact Officer, Social Impact Officer, even in many ways, Chief People Officer, wasn’t around, and every brand, what we found Mary Alice, is that these titles mean different things. And with regards specifically to your role at Thomson Reuters, what does Chief People Officer mean in terms of what do you manage and what parts of the business do you bring together and report on?

Mary Alice: Yeah. Here at Thomson Reuters, within my group, I lead the human resources team.

John: Okay.

Mary Alice: I lead our corporate affairs communications team, and I also lead our social impact and ESG team. So we bring that all together, which is phenomenal because we get to leverage our people and bring our people forward as ambassadors.

John: Wow. So, talk a little bit about HR. HR before I ever had my recycling company, and I had, and we never had a director of HR. Well, it was a small company that got kind of big, but I still never, we did the hiring ourselves as the founders and the firing ourselves. And, now, at our recycling company, I have taken great pleasure in really understanding the unbelievable importance of having the right HR professionals that lead a company’s culture when it comes to human resources. How has human resources evolved pre-COVID and post-COVID? Because it seems like the world has changed for sure. I’m not sure where it’s going to end up landing, but with regards to human resources and all these hybrid working, everybody worked from home is okay, now everybody come back to the office, or else you get fired, or now you’re able to do hybrid. And I hear all different types of variations thereof. Where do you feel we are in that journey, and where is Thomson Reuters with regards to the HR landscape pre-COVID, and then now, of course, in a post-COVID world?

Mary Alice: Yeah, that’s such an interesting question. COVID has had, and the pandemic has had just an incredible transformation of work. It’s dramatically accelerated the future of work and shifted. And there were a number of things that happened as a result of it that I think has driven much more of a focus on talent and culture and organizations, and also social impact. The first is organizations had to quickly protect the safety of their people and change how they operated. And so, HR was very often the leader in organizations supporting that shift.

And so HR kind of came to the forefront in that crisis management. And then, as the pandemic continued and there was less movement of talent around, we saw a bounce back of that. And it led to the great resignation as people really reflected on their lives, reflected on what they were doing, looked for opportunities for change. We saw a huge increase in turnover across organizations around the globe, everywhere. And that, again, drove a focus on HR, supporting the organizations or supporting talent retention, building stronger culture understanding what would retain and attract talent.

And today, I would say we are with the ebbing of the great resignation. People are looking for greater focus on career development, especially with the transformation coming through generative AI and AI more broadly. People are looking to HR to help define how does work need to be organized in the future and how do we support through up-skilling and re-skilling talent across the organization to thrive in the next era. And so HR has been at the forefront of all of that. What’s also interesting from the pandemic, it drove a focus around the globe where people were looking for meaning as they were stuck at home, unable to go out and do other things.

People were really reflecting on their lives and what they were doing. And we saw a real shift towards that focus on meaning, and is my life, am I creating a positive impact through what I’m doing? Does it give me meaning? Does it fulfill me? And so that has also driven a focus on social impact work and how human resources working with leadership across businesses can help bring that to life.

John: Mary Alice, I should have asked this at the top, but we have a lot of young listeners around the world, and maybe they are not as familiar with Thomson Reuters as I am. I’m 60, so I grew up with the Reuters brand and now the Thomson Reuters brand. I’m very familiar with the great brand that you represent. But for our listeners and viewers who are not familiar, share a little bit on a macro basis of the size of Thomson Reuters around the world in terms of the number of employees and things of that such sort and the actual mission, the core business of Thomson Reuters.

Mary Alice: Yeah. Thomson Reuters is a B two B, so business-to-business organization. So, a lot of individuals don’t don’t necessarily know who we are. We are, we have about 27,000 employees. We operate in over 70 countries.

John: Wow.

Mary Alice: We’re almost $7 billion in annual revenue. The power is in our purpose, which is to inform the way forward we serve. We’re a global leader in information services and content-driven technology. And we support professionals in the legal, tax, accounting, risk government, media industries, and sectors around the globe.

John: That’s incredible. And so, going back now, and for our listeners and viewers who would like to find Mary Alice and all of her colleagues and all the important and impactful work they’re doing in ESG, social impact, and human resources, you could go to www.thomson, T-H-O-M-S-O-N Reuters, R-E-U-T-E-R-S, Mary Alice, now you were talking about HR before I asked you for the macro on Thomson Reuters itself. Now, how does that translate those truths, post-COVID truths that you just laid out? Culturally speaking, do you find those truths to basically adhere in all the jurisdictions that you’re managing your great workforce in, or are some different and you have to adjust your management style, and your management means in different cultures, or how does that work and how challenging and interesting is that for you?

Mary Alice: Yeah, I love the complexity of a global organization. I’ve worked in global organizations for most of my career.

John: Right.

Mary Alice: And certainly, the cultural context can vary. And the products that we provide in certain areas are different from other areas, but overall, the things that people look for in an employer and how they want to give back to their communities is the same around the globe. No matter where you are. People want the opportunity to have the ability to make decisions about the work that they do. So they want that empowerment. They want the chance to grow to build their career, to build their skills, to create a better life for themselves, their families. And then they want to find purpose. They want to give back in some way to their communities and have an impact that goes beyond their work. That’s the same everywhere.

John: That’s great. So, really, post-COVID, people just don’t want to make just a paycheck. They really want to make a difference.

Mary Alice: No, you know what, there is an interesting interview that I did. I do so many interviews in the course of a year, and I was interviewing somebody with a big tech company, fantastic. In a fantastic job, and certainly, didn’t need to be looking for another role. And I asked him, so why are you interested in this role? And he said, you know, at the core, I want my daughters, my young daughters, growing up knowing that their dad made a difference in the world. And I feel like I can do that at Thomson Reuters. And I think that just that is an example I’ve heard that from so many people, whether here or outside, where people are just looking for more impact, more purpose, more meaning to their lives, and how they do that through work has really come to the forefront.

John: That’s really great. Because, as you and I know, money comes and goes, we all need to buy groceries and keep the lights on. We got but really enjoying your work and feeling like you’re making a difference really can fuel a person’s spirit and life and journey and make it that much more enjoyable. It’s just really so much better.

Mary Alice: Absolutely. And again, when we were all stuck at home, not able to go to restaurants, not to go on vacations, and not socialize, that’s what I mean, that’s what that people were thinking about.

John: Yeah. [inaudible]

Mary Alice: What does my life mean?

John: And without judgment, because this is just to me fascinating. I want to, I’d love just to understand more what’s the policy today, and I know it’s always open to change and evolve today with regards to work at home versus work at the office at Thomson Reuters. How have you and your leadership team managed to balance that fascinating and critical balancing act?

Mary Alice: Yeah, so we started out right from the start of the pandemic. We said that our decisions about our work environment would be based on the principles of trust, flexibility, and connections. We felt all were essential to how we operate and the relationship that we have with our colleagues. And we’ve maintained that we believe in the power of in-person connection, whether that’s with our customers, with our colleagues, or with other stakeholders. We also have seen over years pre-pandemic, certainly, coming out of the pandemic, a real desire for greater flexibility.

And Thomson Reuters has always promoted strong work-life balance and believed in the importance of fitting work into your life, not the other way around. And so we are hybrid going forward, and we’re working on, again, we’ve said early on that two days a week in the office or with customers is what we feel is creates enough of that connection, but also gives people flexibility and leaders play a critical role in apprenticeship and shaping the culture and training and developing. And so we asked them to come in on average three days a week. And so we’re still working towards that. And it’s great to see examples around the globe of how people are creating those communities and cultures as we work towards the next normal.

John: Right. In 2022, Mary Alice Thomson Reuters launched your purpose.

Mary Alice: Yes.

John: What does your business mean at Thomson Reuters? And can you tell us from where you sit and where you lead, what is it, and why is it important to your great organization?

Mary Alice: Yeah, this was such an interesting journey. I’m so glad you asked that. Thomson Reuters does incredible work. We stand for justice, upholding access to justice. We stand for truth through the world’s largest and most respected and trusted news organization in the world, Reuters. We turn the wheels of commerce and support transparency of markets through our tax and accounting products. We help to catch bad actors through our risk products. And overall, we provide trusted, unbiased information to people around and professionals around the world.

And what wasn’t clear, we didn’t have a succinct way of explaining this to people. It wasn’t until you joined the organization like me I joined in 2017. And as I got to travel around and meet colleagues and see what we were doing and talk with customers, it’s like, wow, this is so powerful. But people, it takes a while to understand just how big our impact is. We actually underpin functioning fair and formed in societies. And so we worked with customers and colleagues, we did interviewing, we did surveys.

We had over 4,000 interviews across both groups we had. We worked with our labs so our machine learning AI specialists to collate and work through all of that information. And what came out through that process was to inform the way forward. And that has been so powerful for our people. When they think about the work that they do, we are informing the way forward towards a more trusted future, towards a more informed society. Again, the things that we do underpin functioning societies and democracies.

John: When you came in 2017, was somebody already heading up ESG and social impact, or was that a blank slate for you to come in and basically take a whiteboard and start saying, here’s where we need to be and here’s how we’re going to get there?

Mary Alice: Yeah, we had a team under Carla Jones, who’s since passed away, and we actually created an award in her name. I’ll talk a little bit more about that.

John: Yeah.

Mary Alice: She was leading the social impact team.

John: Yeah.

Mary Alice: And that team moved over to my group. And so it was a bit of a blank slate. We had fantastic work happening around our community involvement community engagement, and we wanted to dramatically expand that, and we hadn’t articulated our purpose, and there was an opportunity to link multiple pieces of work that were happening across the organization together. And so we really put that work started that work in earnest in 2019, 2020, and we’ve been able to also align in a number of ways with our foundation, which is the vehicle for most of our philanthropic efforts, the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

John: Well, before we go to the foundation, which I want to hear all about, can you talk a little bit about ESG now? I mean, ESG didn’t exist as an acronym.

Mary Alice: Right.

John: Even ten years ago, that’s just we wasn’t being talked about, like, but now the issue of social impact, social justice, ESG, inclusivity, diversity sustainability, the shift from the linear, circular economy, planet, positive behavior.

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Mary Alice: Yes.

John: All these things have been very normalized in the last very short three to four maximum five years. What did it? You came in six years ago just when that transition was really starting to get take off.

Mary Alice: Exactly

John: How do you figure? I mean, it could be what we’ve learned over the years, what I’ve learned over the years, Mary Alice is it could be this wide, it could be this wide. How did you decide to? What initiatives did you work with your leadership team to figure out were most important to the core mission of Thomson Reuters with regards to social impact and ESG? Because you could get overwhelmed with that stuff, and it can almost…

Mary Alice: Oh, absolutely.

John: …Take you way a little bit too much, divert you from the main mission, or it could be accretive to the main mission if you choose the right path. So, how did you choose the path, and how has that been going? And if you will, could you share some highlights from your most recent ESG and impact report that you’re most proud of in this journey?

Mary Alice: Yep. Yeah, we were able, I think, to build on the momentum of a very purpose-driven organization and culture. And so when I joined the company back in 2017 and traveled around in ’17 ’18, got to understand more about our people and hearing their stories and also our customers and the impact. And that’s when things really started to come to life around how purpose-driven our people were. And I really think it’s a point of differentiation. It’s a superpower at Thomson Reuters, how purpose-driven people are. I think it begins with the Reuters, and in our name, people associate Reuters with trust and truth in many countries in the world. Reuters is synonymous with news and trust, and they rely on Reuters for that. And people would tell me when I would ask them why did you join Thomson Reuters.

Mary Alice: They would tell me because of Reuters, like, my parents are so proud that I am with this organization. They’re so proud of me and what this means, like my community, and whether I was in India or in London or in the US or in South America. And so, building on that, we worked on developing the purpose. We also worked around the same time on our ESG materiality assessment. And we did a human rights saliency assessment because what was critical for us is not just to wave a flag of ESG, but to understand how we can be really specific about investing in and strengthening those things where we have a differentiated ability to drive impact the things that are core to our business, that we are in a unique position to impact.

And so we went through a lengthy process to understand that in terms of interviewing across the business, interviewing with our customers, all of these have been informed by customers, by colleagues, by looking at the growth strategy of the business and our ESG materiality assessment, we identified seven key areas. The first is technology and information integrity that’s core to who we are. We sell information that the trust in our data, and that’s become even more important and critical with the growth and rise of AI. Next, we have business ethics and transparency, justice, human rights and DEI, and then climate transition and how we support that. And those are core to our business model. We also conducted our human rights saliency assessment to identify which areas are the ones that where we have the greatest risk and aligned our overall ESG strategy incorporating both of those.

I think another key part of this has been governance, and we work The Social Impact Institute, Kelly Wellman, and Kate Friedrich work very closely with our governance committee of the board to oversee the strategy. And then, we work with different committees of the board. So, we have very clearly articulated governance of our strategy. It is directly aligned to the business, our products, and, again, those areas where we are uniquely positioned to drive impact. And then we report on it. You saw our social impact report, or we’ve talked about our social impact report. That’s a really important accountability measure for us in communicating what our objectives are and then reporting on our progress or where we have challenges.

John: And for our listeners and viewers to find it, they can just go to

Mary Alice: Correct.

John: That’s right. For our listeners and viewers who just joined us, we’ve got Mary Alice Vuicic with us today. She’s a Chief people officer at Thomson Reuters, again, to find Mary Alice and her colleagues and all the amazing impacts they’re making to make the world a better place. Please go to There, you can also find their most recent 2022 social impact and ESG report. Let’s go back, now circle back to what you mentioned a few minutes ago, Mary Alice, the Thomson Reuters Social Impact Institute, and what exactly does that do?

Mary Alice: So, the Social Impact Institute leads the strategic direction of our ESG framework and the initiatives that we undertake. They lead all of our programming around ESG. They led the development of the strategy. They also lead a number of programs, whether with our customers, and our colleagues. I do think that’s another way that we are differentiated in this, and that we work very closely across our customers with the professionals who we serve on ways that they can give back. And so the Social Impact Institute and also the Thomson Reuters Foundation work on that. I can give some examples of some of the great work that the Social [crosstalk] Impact Institute has done.

John: Yeah, please. I’d love to, yeah.

Mary Alice: And just how we bring the power of our colleagues, our 27,000 colleagues around the world, to bring the purpose to life in the last three years, we’ve led an IMPACTathon program. So where we’re able to give back to charities in a number of charities around the globe. And we volunteer employee hours and time to solve problems that they have. That they wouldn’t have access to that expertise with the funds and resources that they have available to them. And so the Social Impact Institute identifies, works with to identify those organizations and the problems that they’re trying to solve. And then they’re posted for IMPACTathon, and we get volunteers. We had volunteers from the C-suite to our analysts across all levels. We started off with six organizations three years ago. Last year, we served 18 organizations, and this year, we served 44 organizations through time from over 200 employees. Actually, 1700 hours were donated. Over 300, almost $350,000 of services were provided. I personally got involved with Metro Crest services.

They help individuals and families navigate through crisis situations and work to stabilize their homes stabilize their lives for a better future. And there were, I think, five other colleagues with me who were working with this organization. We had a number of meetings over the course of three weeks and help them solve and develop a strategy that they had been working on. And there’s so many examples of that. We actually had, when we did a readout of the work that we did, we had our people crying about the impact they had and partnerships. People continue to work with organizations. That’s one that’s just growing in scope and scale. Then we have Global Volunteer Day, where we try to arrange around the globe a day that people can follow their passion and give back.

And typically, in regions and cities, people coordinate activities. So, it can be going into a home for homeless people or shelters. It can be creating packs of school supplies working in I actually worked cleaning up a beach, a local beach in Toronto cleaning up garbage with about 20 of my HR and communications colleagues. And so many examples. And again, we post these and communicate them. They’re on LinkedIn. They are just from our own colleagues, like they find so much meaning in giving back to the communities. And those are just through the colleagues. We have other examples of work that the Social Impact Institute does through our customers and across many other areas.

John: When was the Social Impact Institute created and started?

Mary Alice: So I think that that was started. It was before me.

John: Okay.

Mary Alice: So I think it was around the work began in, I don’t know, 2015. Again, there were disparate pieces, and I think a lot of organizations have gone through a similar path.

John: Right.

Mary Alice: Where they’re disparate community engagement activities. And we brought those together into a more coordinated strategy. And then again, we put research and data and metrics around it with the ESG assessment, with the Human Rights Saliency assessment, and the alignment to our strategy. So we have, in my view, quite a strategic approach today with the governance of the board. And we’re making great progress.

John: Mary Alice, I’ve been to your beautiful, have the honor to come to your city, beautiful city on numerous occasions in my life, and it’s a very green city. When I say green, very forward-thinking with regards to sustainability and the environment. In terms of the environment, talk a little bit about your strategy with regards to decarbonization and other timely topics that are here to stay as we all get to live through the hottest year in world recorded history, and decarbonization is on everyone’s mind right now, as we just saw with the fires in Maui, the tragic fires in Maui and other things going on. It’s not going to slow down these weather events and other things. Where does Thomson Reuters fall with regards to the environmental impacts that you’re making and chosen to engage in?

Mary Alice: Yeah, this is one of our top four ESG objectives and focus areas. In 2020, we signed on to the Science-based Targets initiative, committing to reduce Scope One and Two greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. We’re ahead of our targets, and a hundred percent of our operations are fueled through renewable energy today. And we just had tremendous participation by our colleagues. We purchased renewable power, and match electricity usage with renewable energy credits. We’ve reduced our energy scope One and Scope Two emissions.

We’re like many organizations, business travel is down significantly. We’re 66% below 2019. The work that we do, John, doesn’t create the same footprint as many other organizations. So we do a number of things through our products, through the relationships with our customers to support this. One of them is convening. Actually, a number of conferences are convened by us, whether it’s Reuters events, whether it’s the Thomson Reuters Foundation or the charity that we support. And Reuters next is about bringing. I think the most recent one brought over 400 big business thought leaders, individuals, experts in the field to discuss the climate crisis and try to accelerate innovation in the space. And it was watched by, I forget the number. I mean, just a remarkable number of people virtually and stellar panels of individuals. And so we built on that. Each year, it gets bigger and bigger. And again, I think it’s just one of the ways that we’re uniquely positioned to play a role in this.

John: Mary Alice, before I had you on the show, I was very excited to have you on for many reasons. But one goes back to the word you brought up many times during this episode: the word of trust. And I’ll tell you, in my lifetime, I’ve seen the erosion of trust with so many of our iconic, what were iconic media brands that disseminated news. But I’ll tell you what: Thomson Reuters is one of the few individuals still standing that really does exude and mean trust to me as a consumer to me as a business person.

And it’s so amazing and wonderful at the same time that you get to do the work you’re doing with your colleagues because you’re such a trusted brand that when you make moves in certain directions with regards to all these issues of social impact, ESG and everything that we’ve discussed today, it does move the needle in a big way. Hey, so when I invite you to come back on next year, what are going to be the initiatives that you’re planning right now for next year that you’re the most excited about that you can share with our audience and listeners today? Do a little preview on what’s to come.

Mary Alice: Oh my gosh, that’s an awesome question. I just want to go back quickly to trust, which you brought up.

John: Yeah. Sure.

Mary Alice: A lot of people don’t realize that we have really unique governance here. We’re governed by the trust principles. I don’t know of another company that has this. We have to provide unbiased information. We have to maintain the integrity of the news and information that we provide. So we cannot provide biased information. It’s not possible within our governance structure. No other organization, especially at a time like this, when trust and truth are under assault that is so unique in Thomson Reuters. And what we want to do is talk more about that in the next year, talk about trust, truth, how we can support, again, do more around convening individuals. We have an upcoming trust conference in October in London, which is free.

We have context, which the foundation runs the trust conference. The foundation also has launched context for purpose-driven individuals, sharing stories of the impact of climate transition of human rights and human rights abuses. And so there’s more to come from context. In addition, we’re doing phenomenal work in the space of supporting Ukrainian refugees. We are looking to do more of that to, again, help protect individuals and catch bad actors. In the past year, we have launched the Be Safe campaign when Russia invaded Ukraine. Over 5 million refugees fled, now it’s over 12 million. And through our technology, we were able to see that the growing demand for Ukrainian women and children for sexual exploitation.

And we shared that with the organization for security and cooperation in Europe, the OSCE, to raise and developed a campaign to raise awareness of the risks to Ukrainian women and children. And we’ve had thousands of refugees accessing this information and protecting them and keeping them safe from traffickers. We have much more to do in these spaces in the year ahead, and we’re really looking forward to working with our colleagues and with our customers to bring these to life.

John: That’s wonderful. I mean, that we could do a whole episode honestly, on trust and truth. I would love that next year. That would be [crosstalk] amazing.

Mary Alice: That would be amazing. We have lots to share.

John: Yeah, I would really. I mean, that would be really more timely than anything else because even some of our social media platforms, which were created for one purpose, have now become such big disseminators of information as well. And again, they’ve fallen by the wayside and fallen short with regards to the issues of trust, and information, and truth.

Mary Alice: Exactly.

John: And it’s really, it’s sad. So to have an organization like yours still withholding, upholding those critical values that we all…

Mary Alice: Misinformation. Yeah, I’m sorry.

John: It’s true.

Mary Alice: Misinformation is one of the greatest threats to is our society and to functioning democracies. And that’s what gets me up in the morning. We stand for justice, truth, transparency, at a time when those things are under assault like never before.

John: Well, next year, we’re going to have you back, and we’re going to talk about all the important things that you’re doing as a Chief people officer with regards to human resources, social impact, and ESG. But most importantly, we’ll have a whole episode that just focuses on trust and truth. And I’d love you to lead that discussion at Thomson Reuters with us at Impact.

I think that can be one of the most valuable discussions we’ve ever had. Because frankly, we’ve never covered that topic, and I think the time is long overdue for us to focus on that. I just want to say thank you again, Mary Alice, for joining us today. Taking the time to join us and share your wisdom, your journey, and the great and important things that you and all of your colleagues at Thomson Reuters are doing. To find Mary Alice in all their important work and their most recent 2022 social impact and ESG report, please go to Mary Alice Vuicic, thank you again for your time. Thank you for all the work you do, and thank you for making the world a better place.

Mary Alice: Thank you, John.

John: This edition of The Impact Podcast is brought to you by Engage. Engage is a digital booking platform, revolutionizing the talent booking industry with thousands of athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. Engage is the go-to spot for booking talent for speeches, custom experiences, live streams, and much more. For more information on Engage or to book talent today, visit This edition of The Impact Podcast is brought to you by ERI. ERI has a mission to protect people, the planet, and your privacy and is the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States and maybe even the world. For more information on how ERI can help your business properly dispose of outdated electronic hardware devices, please visit

To learn more about social impact at Thomson Reuters, you can download the company’s 2022 Social Impact and ESG Report at