Photo of Alana Kambury


Starvation Alley is Washington’s first organically certified cranberry farm, located in along the Long Beach Peninsula. Alana became a co-owner in 2014 after connecting to the founders Jessika Tantisook, Jared Oakes, and Alex Mondau via their graduate program at Pinchot University, and helping them build the brand in the NW. Alana is an Oregon native who finds joy in connecting the missions, minds, and passions of those in the community so that people can thrive together.

Starvation Alley is a proud B-Corp focused on supporting the livelihoods of local farmers via organic agriculture and fresh products. Alana did her graduate work for B Lab, building the case for collaborative systems in the B Corp community, as well as interned in Rio de Janeiro, consulting a Brazilian B Corp on how to best leverage this global certification.

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When not in the bogs or preaching the garnet gospel of cranberries, Alana is most likely climbing afar amongst friends, or nearby having a cranberry cocktail at one of the brilliant restaurants SAF is honored to work with.
