Photo of Kevin Anton


Kevin Anton’s 30-plus-year career working in metals and mining led him to become the Vice President and first Chief Sustainability Officer in Alcoa’s 125-year history. Alcoa is the largest integrated aluminum company in the world, tracing the metal step by step from mining all the way to putting products on the shelf. Perhaps the most important aspect of aluminum is its infinite recyclability. Recycling the metal only takes 5% of the energy used to create it, and it can be back on the shelf or placed into a product quickly and effectively.

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“Sixty-five percent of aluminum cans get recycled,” Anton explains. “If you look at aluminum in cars or aluminum in buildings, they both have recycling rates approaching 90% or more. We’re keeping aluminum out of the landfills. There is a larger market for recycled aluminum than there is recycled aluminum available.”

Got desktop computers? Recycle them responsibly with ERI.
