Photo of Anita Spiller


Anita Spiller’s parallel careers are defined by passion. As a United Church minister, a private business owner, and now, directing ESG (environmental, social and governance) initiatives for Tru Earth, her work and life are characterized by social justice, collaboration, and leaving the planet better than she found it.

At Tru Earth, a Certified B Corp, award-winning, household cleaning products organization, Anita and the Executive Leadership Team focus on disrupting the billion-dollar homecare market, eliminating household plastic jugs (and other single-use plastics), battling microplastics and donating earth-friendly products to organizations in need. Tru Earth has prevented 165 million plastic jugs from being created and donated nearly 33 million of its earth-friendly laundry detergent strips in just four years.

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Anita’s commitment to social justice extends beyond her work at Tru Earth. Since September 2022, Anita has served on the Board of Directors of HOPE International Development Agency in Canada, a collective of entrepreneurial and dedicated people responsive to the realities of overlooked families living in extreme poverty. As a board member, Anita brings her expertise in business and sustainability to support HOPE ‘s mission of empowering communities to overcome poverty and reach their full potential.

A gifted speaker and educator, Anita’s presentations are sprinkled with humor, insight, and real solutions to make true lasting change that helps save the planet.
