Photo of Debbie Miller


All it took was a small gift back in the mid-90s for Debbie Miller to conceptualize and launch Anna’s Potions and Lotions, an all-organic small-batch skincare and beauty product line. Miller received rose oil cream from a friend, and the passion for the product and desire to make it organically was instant. Now, every product in the Anna’s line is handcrafted by Miller herself in her Brooklyn, NY, apartment. “My slogan for my business is ‘honest products from nature.’ That’s a trademark slogan,” Miller says. “When you get my products, you know that I’m telling the truth about the ingredients, and if I say I use this ingredient, I do, and you know that my ingredients are going to be pure and are sourced from places that have pure products.” Visit the Anna’s Potions and Lotions website. Debbie Miller originally appeared on Green is Good on May 19, 2014.

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