Photo of Arndrea Waters King


Arndrea has dedicated her life to serving humanity. This commitment was demonstrated when as a teenager, she volunteered as a candy striper at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. This early experience of supporting and advocating for those with health challenges fueled Arndrea’s passion to end all forms of pain, inequity and injustice. Over the years, Arndrea has lived her commitment by consistently supporting those who have been marginalized and silenced to find and collectively use their voice for change.

A National Merit Scholar, Arndrea studied psychology at Emory University. Soon after, she joined the Center for Democratic Renewal. During her tenure at CDR, Arndrea organized the first National Conference on Hate Crimes and Hate Violence. She played a key role in the mobilization for the Georgia Hate Crimes Act and prepared major reports including the landmark “When Hate Comes to Town.” Arndrea also helped organize marches and rallies that led to the building of a major multiracial coalition, the Southern Coalition Against Racism and Bigotry.

In 2006 Arndrea married Martin Luther King III. As the “First Lady” of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and The King Center, Arndrea championed several nonviolence education and social change issues while designing programs to advance understanding and activism. She was instrumental in the partnership with JP Morgan Chase to restore, preserve and digitize the archives of the King Center. Her support for the Atlanta community includes serving as a board member of the Historic District Development Committee and the Atlanta International School.

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Arndrea and Martin are proud parents of Yolanda Renee who has already become an activist in her own right at age 10. Arndrea and her husband are currently developing The Martin Luther King III Partnership for Equity, Peace and Justice 

