Photo of Art Umble, PhD, PE, BCEE


Dr. Umble leads the Wastewater Practice for Americas operations of MWH Global, focusing on municipal wastewater treatment, with an emphasis on converting waste streams to value streams. Dr. Umble provides technical analysis and review support to design teams for new and rehabilitated wastewater treatment plants, with a focus on nutrient removal facilities, process optimization for treatment capacity, wet weather treatment, solids processing and disposal facilities, energy management, disinfection systems, and emerging technologies for advanced treatment.

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Dr. Umble has been a leader in promoting sustainable “Utilities of the Future.” This involves plans and designs of treatment facilities that enhance environmental stewardship through recovery of resources from wastewaters, including reuse of the water, energy recovery, recovery of nutrients, and production of useful products. He serves in numerous state and national research forums related to emerging treatment technologies for advancing resource recovery strategies. He is active on numerous committees with the Water Environment Federation, and serves on the Research Council for the Water Environment Research Foundation and provides peer review for the Water Research and Water Reuse Foundations on targeted collaborative research projects.
