Photo of Frances Moore Lappďż˝


It was a trip to the UC – Berkeley library as a young woman that forever shaped Frances Moore LappĂ©’s life, as she discovered there that we as a species are “actively creating scarcity out of plenty.” Today, she is the co-founder of the Small Planet Institute, an organization that is “living democracy and feeding hope.” She is also the author of 18 eco-fueled books, including her latest, EcoMind. “In EcoMind, I take seven of the messages around our environmental challenge, including climate change, that are disempowering — that keep us from seeing the solutions right in front of us,” LappĂ© explains. “And, I flip them so that we can see the power we have.” Visit France Moore LappĂ©’s website. Frances Moore LappĂ© originally appeared on Green is Good on July 8, 2013.

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