Photo of John Lewis


John Lewis is the founder and creator of Bad Ass Vegan. As a nationally certified fitness trainer, John Lewis has spent over eight years in the health and fitness industry and played Division I College basketball. John is highly passionate about not only his own health and fitness, but that of others as well. In addition to his extensive knowledge in body sculpting and contouring, what makes John one of the top national fitness trainers, is his creative ability to understand and live a “vegetarian/vegan lifestyle” while maintaining a physique that is commendable. In essence, he is able to cater to a diverse group of individuals and his services are highly sought after as he masterfully creates and develops personalized, unique and healthy nutrition plans. It is not surprising that given his unique abilities he has attracted clients from various industries, including actors, models and business professionals of all ages. John strives to educate his clients on living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and he takes great pride in transforming individuals physically, mentally and spiritually. After all, it is said that 60% of one’s success is based on how one feels about themselves. John has appeared in multiple television shows, music videos and fitness magazines such as Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Fitness Rx, Exercise for Men, Planet Muscle, etc., as well as Maxim and Sports Illustrated. You can also see him featured in the P90X television ads. Born in Little Rock, AR, in 1977, John grew up in St. Louis, MO. At a young age, he excelled in football and basketball. He continued his streak of athletic excellence throughout his high school and college years in McCluer Senior High and Harris-Stowe State College, respectively. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, he later went on to pursue his M.B.A. from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. He is now working on finishing his Master’s of Health Education to later go on to start his Ph.D. in holistic sports and nutrition. John’s education in business coupled with his love for health and fitness gave him the ability to start his venture, Bad Ass Vegan, a health and nutrition company that strives to educate individuals on plant based nutrition. John’s love for his community brought forth the brainchild of “BAD ASS VEGAN,” a foundation whose mission is to prevent obesity through education, physical activity and plant-based nutrition. Outside of health and fitness, John interests include reading, writing, brainstorming business ideas and most of all, helping others fulfill a healthy life.

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