Photo of Joshua Katcher


Joshua Katcher’s passion for executing global change led him to his true calling as an eco-fashion guru when he started and, sites designed for the “ethically handsome man.” Katcher, a vegan, says that clothing is one of the world’s few true global industries — we all buy clothes. Yet few consider the materials that clothing is made from or the processes that go into making clothing. Katcher believes the future is in synthetic and organic fibers, with absolutely no compromise on style or quality. “Fashion is such a powerful form of visual communication,” Katcher explains. “If we identify powerfully with how we identify ourselves and how we dress, I think that can be a place of leverage where change can be made. I wanted to start talking about fashion from that perspective, and present it as something that’s not just frivolous.” Visit the Brave GentleMan website. Joshua Katcher originally appeared on Green is Good on May 27, 2013.

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