Photo of Adam Horsman


Adam Horsman spent the past 10 years working in e-commerce and supply chain management until he recently left his job at Amazon to start Brute Box Moving in San Francisco, where he currently serves as CEO. Adam started his career at Microsoft working in a variety of roles within the hardware supply chain supporting Xbox and computer accessories. In 2009, Adam joined, working within the books division. In 2013, Adam relocated to California to support the expansion of the Amazon Fresh grocery home delivery business in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Looking for an opportunity to build something of his own, in June 2014, Adam left Amazon to found Brute Box Moving, formally launching the business in October 2014. Today Brute Box delivers reusable moving boxes and supplies to more than 35 cities in the San Francisco bay area. Adam received a B.S. degree in Supply Chain Management from Western Washing University, and currently lives in San Francisco. “I’m an avid outdoorsman. I spend the majority of my life outside, and I’m thankful everyday that I get to run a company that might make a positive impact on the environment and the world we live in.”

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