Photo of Cara Libby


Cara Libby is a Principal Technical Leader at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). She joined EPRI in 2006 and has held multiple positions within the Renewable Energy Generation team. She currently leads EPRI’s Environmental Aspects of Solar Program, which broadly addresses environmental issues for large-scale solar projects. She is a subject matter expert in solar photovoltaic (PV) end-of-life management, PV field testing and reliability, and next-generation concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) technologies.

Prior to working at EPRI, Libby spent two years at GE Global Research Center where she developed hydrogen production technologies.

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Libby is a mechanical engineer with a Bachelor of Science degree from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Science degree from Stanford University.


  • July 1, 2021

    Shaping the Future of Energy with Cara Libby

    Cara Libby is a Principal Technical Leader at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). She joined EPRI in 2006 and has held multiple positions within the Renewable Energy Generation team. She currently leads EPRI’s Environmental Aspects of Solar Program, which broadly addresses environmental issues for large-scale solar projects. She is a subject matter expert in […]