Photo of Kristen Hess


Kristen Hess, the young co-founder of CompoKeeper, grew up in Colorado where she cultivated a respect for the natural world through outdoor activities. While studying Marketing and Psychology at The University of Colorado-Boulder, Kristen became immersed in business. However, as a yoga-practicing, earth-loving minimalist, Kristen had no interest in a career focused on selling more “stuff”. Through her studies, she came to believe that businesses and products injected with passion, honesty, and heart-felt intention can improve community faster than any other force – and for her, composting is just about the coolest, most natural thing you can do to keep the planet healthy. After graduating in 2010, Kristen teamed up with her Dad, Van, to bring his innovative composting tool to the public. In September, 2013 Kristen braved a packed Boulder Theater audience and competed in the Naturally Boulder “Entrepreneur Pitch Slam,” against impressive competition. After her live pitch to a panel of CEO and VIP natural products industry judges, Kristen won the Pitch Slam and more than $2000 in cash and another $48,000 in services and consulting prizes that would help CompoKeeper fund the launch of its projects. As interest grew in CompoKeeper, Kristen realized a strategic partner was needed to support the commercial realization of their product. In 2014, CompoKeeper received investment from Natural Eco Wholesale’s (NEW) Founder and CEO Steve Savage, a veteran in the eco-products industry. In March, 2014 Kristen took on the role of Marketing Director, helping to shape the company’s strategy and growth. She then moved to the Bay Area to oversee manufacturing and the manifestation of her family’s dream. (CompoKeeper show begins at 11:33)

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