Photo of Bridgett Luther


“Cradle to cradle,” a products design movement that began in the early 1990s, aims to end consumers’ dependence on landfilling products at the end of their life cycles. The goal, simply, is to design and manufacture products that are made from infinitely useful materials that are able to be recycled again and again. The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, started in 2010, acts as a certification system for these products. The institute gives manufacturers the opportunity to study the entire environmental impact of their products, from creation, to production, useful life and obsolescence. Bridgett Luther, President of the institute, brings a career’s worth of environmental protection and conservation expertise to the institute. “The cradle to cradle certification process is a journey,” Luther explains. “As you go with your company through this process, you actually start to change the way you look at your product design. As companies go through this process, they will see that a lot of what they are making isn’t that safe or healthy.”

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