Photo of Tria Case


Tria Case is tasked with examining all aspects of sustainability at the City University of New York, a network of 24 colleges comprised of nearly half-a-million students and faculty. One eco-advancement CUNY is focused on is implementing solar power systems across greater New York City. The city is home to 1 million buildings, which means there are 1 million rooftops that could bear solar infrastructure. “CUNY, as a singular organization, not only has the ability to change how its students and faculty operate, but to lead the city toward looking at how to implement a more sustainable future,” Case says. “We are putting in place programs that we think will help to lead New York City, New York State and the country toward being able to work toward clean energy solutions.” Visit the Sustainable CUNY website. Tria Case originally appeared on Green is Good on September 30, 2013.

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