Photo of Daniel Puckett


Daniel Puckett is co-founder of Boom Foods and co-creator of the Boom caffeinated protein bar

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Born and raised in Seattle, attended West Seattle High School and California Polytechnic State University. Grew up playing sports and cooking up new business ideas. Business has always been very interesting to me and I have tried my hand a few times, from a lemonade stand to a restaurant software and now a caffeinated protein bar.


  • October 7, 2021

    Energy On The Go with Daniel Puckett

    Daniel Puckett is co-founder of Boom Foods and co-creator of the Boom caffeinated protein bar Born and raised in Seattle, attended West Seattle High School and California Polytechnic State University. Grew up playing sports and cooking up new business ideas. Business has always been very interesting to me and I have tried my hand a […]