Photo of Darleen


Darleen Santore, better known as “Coach Dar,” is an author, Licensed and Board-Certified Occupational Therapist, sought-after motivational speaker, plus leadership and mental skills coach to professional athletes, CEOs and business leaders around the world.   Best known for her mental strength conditioning work with athletes in the NBA, MLB, PGA and NHL, she most recently worked as the mental conditioning and life coach for the Phoenix Suns.  She was awarded the Most Inspiring Woman from WNBA and her #Rise-The-Bar approach shapeshifts mediocre attitudes into champion mindsets, reigniting the commitment to personal excellence and athletic stardom. She can also now add Best Selling Author to list of accomplishments, as her latest book,  “The Art of Bouncing Back: Find Your Flow to Thrive at Work and in Life – Anytime You’re off your Game” hit shelves last year. 

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