Photo of Deborah Dull


Deborah Dull is a supply chain and circular economy rock star …. nicknamed the “Circular Nomad” for her global travels and efforts to educate about the benefits of circular economy. She leads the operations performance management, supply chain optimization and circular economy efforts for the GE Digital division of GE.

Before GE, she built a $100m global supply chain portfolio at the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, evangelizing the use of new technology to propel frontier markets into Industry 4.0. She used control tower digital platforms to enable 30+ organizations to jointly plan and operate, impacting over $1B in cross-industry annual pharmaceutical spend. Deborah’s scope spanned 300+ geographies in 17 countries across Africa and Central Asia.

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Before that, she was with Microsoft, where she built and scaled the Microsoft Retail Stores supply chains for physical and digital products. She led Channel Operations for the EMEA digital supply chain and UK retail markets, highlighting the importance of “voice of customer” in global supply chain and operations.


  • June 1, 2021

    The Circular Supply Chain Network with Deborah Dull

    Deborah Dull is a supply chain and circular economy rock star …. nicknamed the “Circular Nomad” for her global travels and efforts to educate about the benefits of circular economy. She leads the operations performance management, supply chain optimization and circular economy economy efforts for the GE Digital division of GE.   John Shegerian: This edition […]