Photo of Keith Anderson


Keith A. Anderson is the director of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE). He is responsible for leading a workforce of approximately 300 environmental professionals and overseeing the operations of four administrations, 13 divisions, and 14 branches that work collaboratively to protect the environment and conserve the natural resources of the District of Columbia. With more than 10 years of public service experience in the District, Mr. Anderson has served as the agency’s interim director, chief of staff and has held several high-level positions in its energy administration. As chief of staff, he coordinated overall agency operations including development and implementation of regulations, procedures, and budget to ensure progress toward the agency’s strategic plans and objectives. He provided direct oversight for the Office of Policy and Sustainability, the Office of Enforcement and Environmental Justice, the Office of Community Relations, and the Office of Public Information. As deputy director of DDOE’s Energy Administration, he managed implementation of key energy programs, including weatherization, the renewable energy incentive program, energy conservation, and community outreach and education. He was instrumental in the creation of the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DC SEU), a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract to roll-out programs designed to improve energy efficiency in the District and create green jobs for residents. As chief of DDOE’s Energy Affordability Division, he managed the District’s program to provide approximately 25,000 low-income District’s residents each year with financial assistance to meet the rising costs of home energy.

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