Photo of Annalisa Roger


Annalisa Roger is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the new .green Top Level Domain. Roger founded the DotGreen Initiative in 2007. At that time, she created a business plan, and from there co-founded DotGreen Community, Inc. which applied to the Internet’s governing body, ICANN (the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers). Under Annalisa’s leadership DGC successfully passed the ICANN evaluation process and strategized a way beyond a four-way competitive industry contention set for .green. The competition concluded with a partnership placing DGC as the steward of the environmental new .green Top Level Domain. For over ten years, Annalisa has been working within the local and global community, managing large-scale projects and events. She co-founded and twice was elected Vice-Chair of SF Bay, the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Chapter of The Internet Society. .green is currently starting an exciting new chapter, as the first .green domain names go live. Those who use a .green Top Level Domain address and the Internet users who frequent .green websites, will together be boosting awareness, education, and the green economy. In addition, an income stream created from a percentage of the sales of .green domain names will flow to The DotGreen Foundation which supports programs and projects aimed at sustainability around the world. Annalisa, a mother of four, lives in Marin County with her husband and is a creative thinker and the visionary for the .green project.

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