Photo of Dr. Gregory H. Bledsoe


A fourth-generation Arkansan, Bledsoe served as Surgeon General for Arkansas from 2015-2023. His past roles have included positions at Arkansas Heart Hospital, Align MD, and serving on the faculty of John Hopkins Department of Emergency Medicine.

Bledsoe has also been a consultant with the US Secret Service and participated in multiple diplomatic missions, including on the advance team for President George W. Bush and as the personal physician for former President Clinton during their African tours.

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With both an MD from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Bledsoe combines his entrepreneurial business interests (including founding the expedition and wilderness medical education company ExpedMed) with a passion for healthcare. As a physician and business advisor, he is dedicated to connecting patients with the health resources they truly need, rather than the most expensive option. In spring 2023, he joined Dallas-based employee mental well-being company Kindly Human as a strategic advisor.
