Photo of Dr. Liz Tyson


Liz did not begin her career working with animals but found her way to her life’s passion all the same! Early in her career, Liz earned a degree in law, while also working full-time at a financial PR firm in London. Realizing that the corporate world was not for her, she began to look around for opportunities that would allow her to fulfill her true life’s ambition – to work with animals. Liz was offered the role of Education Officer and Primate Keeper at a monkey sanctuary on the south coast of England. She jumped at the chance and never looked back!

Since that time, Liz has worked in the UK, Colombia, Spain, Bolivia, Ethiopia, and Peru. She has worked with local indigenous communities in the Colombian Amazon to bring an end to the hunting of wild primates, ran a UK charity campaigning to end the exploitation of animals in circuses and zoos and, more recently, helped to design and plan a new rehabilitation complex for rescued monkeys at Born Free’s Ethiopian Sanctuary, Ensessa Kotteh. She also continued to study while working and earned her doctorate in Animal Welfare Law in 2018.

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Liz joined Born Free USA as Primate Sanctuary Director in Fall 2018 and was promoted to Programs Director in Spring 2020. She oversees the running of one of the country’s largest primate sanctuaries, as well as Born Free USA’s campaigns work.

In August 2020, Liz published her book, Licensing Laws and Animal Welfare: The Legal Protection of Wild Animals, with Palgrave MacMillan/Springer Nature. The book outlines the findings of her doctoral research, which is the most comprehensive study of the legal protection of wild animals in English zoos carried out to date.


  • December 14, 2021

    Born Free with Dr. Liz Tyson

    Liz did not begin her career working with animals but found her way to her life’s passion all the same! Early in her career, Liz earned a degree in law, while also working full-time at a financial PR firm in London. Realizing that the corporate world was not for her, she began to look around […]