Photo of Dr. Nidhi Pundhir


Dr. Nidhi Pundhir leads the global CSR efforts of technology company HCLTech and heads the HCLFoundation in India. In her current role, she has envisioned HCL’s CSR policy, anchored around the 10 commandments of CSR.

A seasoned humanitarian services and socio-economic-environmental development specialist, Dr. Pundhir has a deep nuanced understanding of poverty issues and environmental challenges. Working for the most disadvantaged and isolated communities, she has designed realistic approaches that advocate equity and dignity.  

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With more than 25 years of experience in actualizing human rights and environmental action at national and international levels, some of the key portfolios she has held were with SOS Children’s Villages, and at Plan International’s International Headquarters as Global Advisor on Child Protection in Development.

She holds a doctorate in Public Health Management, from IIHMR University, Jaipur and M.Phil. in Health Systems Management from BITS, Pilani, India besides a Bachelor’s degree in Indian classical dance – Kathak, from Gandharv Mahavidyalaya.
