Photo of Dr. Oliver Eitelwein


Dr. Oliver Eitelwein is a partner in Oliver Wyman’s Health and Life Sciences Practice. He can draw on almost 20 years of practical strategy consulting experience at well-known companies in the industry. His main areas of activity are in the pharmaceutical, biotech, in-vitro diagnostics, and agrochemicals segments. He is a proven expert in the areas of corporate strategy, supply chain and operations, digital transformation, digital healthcare, and sustainability and has published more than 25 studies, management articles, and books.

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Oliver holds a degree in industrial engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and did his doctorate on strategic management and complexity theory at the Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU) – Otto Beisheim School of Management.


  • May 23, 2024

    Tackling Climate Change with Dr. Oliver Eitelwein of Oliver Wyman

    Dr. Oliver Eitelwein is a partner in Oliver Wyman’s Health and Life Sciences Practice. He can draw on almost 20 years of practical strategy consulting experience at well-known companies in the industry. His main areas of activity are in the pharmaceutical, biotech, in-vitro diagnostics, and agrochemicals segments. He is a proven expert in the areas […]