Photo of Dror Balshine


Sol Cuisine began in 1980 as a manufacturer of high quality tofu for Toronto vegetarian restaurants. The company – originally called Soy City Foods – rapidly expanded its clientele in the foodservice industry and soon began selling into retail.

In another part of Toronto, two friends started a veggie burger company serving innovative vegetarian foods to high school cafeterias. The company, Second Nature, joined forces with Soy City Foods in 2002, under the banner Sol Cuisine. Sol, the Spanish word for “sun”, stands for Sustainable, Organic and Local. Three values that continue to guide our work over 30 years later.

The first manufacturers of organic tofu in Canada, we’ve been using organic, local, Non-GMO soybeans since 1986. Our partnership with Harro Wehrmann, a Ripley, ON farmer, ensures our access to these precious beans, farmed sustainably and bought at a fair price. Ontario grown soybeans are considered among the best in the world, as our colder climate results in higher protein content.

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Our focus on local and organic suppliers means we enjoy long-standing relationships with many Ontario growers/farmers and ingredient suppliers. As a leading Canadian vegetarian foods manufacturer, Sol Cuisine is committed to providing healthy, great-tasting vegetarian food and our line-up of organic, wheat-free, gluten-free, Kosher and Halal soy protein products includes tofu, veggie burgers, veggie dogs, falafel, veggie crumbles, dairy-free soy yogurt and more.

With rapid growth in consumer health consciousness, vegetarianism and organics consumption, our company has achieved 10-15% growth annually for the last decade. We are always at work creating new and innovative vegetarian food concepts to meet the demands of our loyal audience.

Though we’ve been committed to sourcing Non-GMO ingredients for many years, in 2010 we proudly joined The Non-GMO Project. Participation in this independent third party verification program is designed to assess compliance with specific standards, requiring traceability, segregation and testing at critical control points, to offer consumers a Non-GMO choice for products made without genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technologies.
