Photo of Jed Goldberg


April 22 has been synonymous with Earth Day since 1970, but it wasn’t until 20 years later, in 1990, that the annual celebration of all things Mother Nature really took off internationally. Jed Goldberg, President of Earth Day Canada, has helped facilitate the awareness and involvement about this important day throughout Canada. Now in operation for well over two decades, Earth Day Canada stresses Earth Day’s inclusiveness: It is a day of celebration, reflection and education for everyone. “There are so many big issues that we are faced with right now,” Goldberg explains. “So many things are going on that the environment is still considered to be an issue that can wait in many people’s eyes. This makes it difficult to get environmental messages through and have the opportunity to change people’s attitudes and behaviors.” Visit the Earth Day Canada website. Jed Goldberg originally appeared on Green is Good on September 2, 2013.

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