Photo of Dan Blake


It was at an all-you-can-eat French toast buffet of all places that Dan Blake realized he could start cutting back on the food waste he created. The light bulb went on, and through some quick research, Blake found that more than 30 million tons of food waste was being produced annually in the U.S. — enough to fit California’s Rose Bowl stadium every three days! In response, Blake co-founded EcoScraps to recycle food waste into all-natural organic garden products. “You talk to most gardeners, and they’re still using synthetic products,” Blake says. “We thought, food is really high in nutrients, so we wanted to see if you composted straight food waste if you could get the same nutrients as you do with a synthetic [compost] bag. We came up with a compost where the nutrients were just as high or higher than any other chemical competitor that we could find.”

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