Photo of Rosalinda Sanquiche


Rosalinda Sanquiche’s environmental journey started all the way back as a youngster in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where she grew up surrounded by the beauty of nature. Her studies in environmental science eventually led her to Ethical Markets Media, a multiplatform company that examines environmental topics while asking individuals what they can do to make a difference. Since 2007, the company has tracked how much private money has gone into green-transition technologies. “We’re using media in all of its different forms to get out this good-news message,” Sanquiche explains. “There is $4.1 trillion (since 2007) being invested in green-transition technologies. That means that regular people looking toward the future are seeing that sustainability is the way to go.” Visit the Ethical Markets Media website. Rosalinda Sanquiche originally appeared on Green is Good on July 8, 2013.

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