Photo of Luke Saunders


When Luke Saunders was living in a college town, he was constantly searching for approachable, quality food options. After moving to Chicago, Saunders launched Farmer’s Fridge in 2013 based on the concept of taking restaurant-quality food and putting it in a vending machine. But, this isn’t your everyday vending machine. Only fresh items made in the Farmer’s Fridge kitchen are available, and the machine comes complete with nutritional information, ingredients details and a highly professional, wood-paneled 10-foot façade. Kiosks are now popping up around the Chicagoland area, with more in the works. “We knew there was a huge hurdle to get people to the point where they were going to be able to buy restaurant-quality food out of a kiosk,” Saunders admits. “They can’t touch it; there is nobody there to explain it. When you walk up to it, you get a sense that a lot of energy has been put into this, so they must be into their food as well.”

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