Photo of Carrie Majeske


Long an automotive innovator, Ford continues to test many great ways to reuse items one might not typically see in a vehicle. Carrie Majeske, Ford’s Manager of Sustainable and Safety Engineering, is in charge of thinking outside the box on ways to advance the environmental and vehicular safety sectors. Some recent tests included using wheat straw as a plastics reinforcer in cargo bins, using cellulose as a plastics reinforcer, and using coconut “hairs” as trunk lining materials. Other ideas that could potentially pop up in Ford vehicles in the future: using dandelions to create sustainable rubber and using retired U.S. currency as a reinforcer in coin trays. “We are trying to share the learnings on human rights, energy and environment with our supply chain, so not only are we helping the environment, but we are helping them to have the same standards and the same practices,” Majeske reports. “We’re learning from them, and they’re learning from us.” Visit the Ford website. Carrie Majeske originally appeared on Green is Good on December 30, 2013.

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