Photo of Ron Loch


In a competitive global marketplace, Ron helps businesses gain by doing good. A G&S veteran, Ron’s collaborations with global Fortune 1000 companies and green business startups have delivered strategic, integrated programs to gain value from sustainability efforts and commercialize clean technologies. Ron oversees publication of the annual G&S Sense & Sustainability® Study, which gauges public perceptions of the corporate commitment to environmental and social responsibility. He also moderates many sustainability thought leadership events, which have welcomed speakers from Businessweek, Burt’s Bees, Verizon, Time Magazine, The Sustainability Consortium, The World Food Prize Foundation, U.S. Green Building Council, U.N. Global Compact and more. Ron graduated with a B.S. in Journalism and Mass Communications from Iowa State University and received a Master’s Certificate in Managing the Sustainable Enterprise from the Illinois Institute of Technology Stuart School of Business. He has also completed the certified GRI sustainability reporting curriculum. Ron hones his crisis management skills by tackling obstacles in Spartan races.

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