Photo of Kelly Freeman


Kelly Freeman, Sustainability Director at Goodwill Industries of Central Texas, is a self-proclaimed “recycling/waste reduction geek since birth.” So, she is a natural fit with Goodwill’s goal of helping people find lifelong connections to meaningful work. Freeman is committed to helping the 28-store Goodwill of Central Texas network best serve its 15-county community by squeezing every penny out of every material it receives by finding secondary reuse markets. The concept of reuse at Goodwill Central Texas isn’t just a practice — it’s a companywide obligation.

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“Currently, we’re able to divert about 75% of what isn’t sold in [Goodwill of Central Texas’] retail stores, and we employ about 2,000 people,” Freeman says. “We want to make it as convenient as possible for our donors to find us and bring us their gently used goods.”
