Photo of Graham Hill


Graham, one of Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative People in Business” and featured on the covers of Inc. and Dwell Magazines, is a successful serial entrepreneur and highly sought-after speaker known for his ability to eloquently explain how we can all create a simpler, wealthier, greener and happier planet.

He has presented at many prestigious conferences around the world, including two main-stage TED Talks that have received 11M+ views.

Graham is the founder and CEO of The Carbonauts. They help Fortune 1000 companies build climate-literate, sustainability enthusiastic cultures via tools such as live, interactive sustainability workshops. Their clients include giants such as Amazon, Chanel, News Corp, Toyota, AT&T, Warner Brothers, Discovery, Netflix, Dow Jones, and HarperCollins.

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Many companies have or are developing sustainability strategies. While this is a positive development, it is said that “Culture Eats Strategy” and as such for these strategies to succeed, it’s critical to develop a culture of sustainability. It is for this reason that The Carbonauts focus on cultural transformation.

The Carbonauts believe that if companies can find and support internal sustainability change-agents that their ranks will start to grow and once they reach 25% of the company, a rapid transition to a powerful, sustainability-forward culture will take place.

Graham has worked in the environmental field for over 22 years. Before Carbonauts, he founded the ground-breaking website TreeHugger, which was the most trafficked green site for years, with billions of page views. In 2007, he sold this website to the Discovery Channel. He also worked on the topic of small living (architecture, possessions, behavior) under LifeEdited for a decade. Additionally, he designed an iconic New York souvenir that has been a best seller at MOMA for over 15 years.


  • March 7, 2023

    Developing A Sustainability-Forward Culture with The Carbonauts’ Graham Hill

    Graham is the founder and CEO of The Carbonauts. They help Fortune 1000 companies build climate-literate, sustainability enthusiastic cultures via tools such as live, interactive sustainability workshops. Their clients include giants such as Amazon, Chanel, News Corp, Toyota, AT&T, Warner Brothers, Discovery, Netflix, Dow Jones, and HarperCollins. Many companies have or are developing sustainability strategies. […]