Photo of Colette Ellis


Colette Ellis is an author, coach and transformation speaker on mindfulness, motivation, and workplace stress. She is contributing author to Transform Your Life With One Call: America’s Top Life Coaches Reveal What You Need to Know in which she describes benefits of wellness coaching and debunks common coaching myths. Her book, Focus on Your Vision, helps readers clarify priorities and optimize their work-life balance. As founder of InStep Consulting, Colette provides clients with Management Consulting & Capacity Building Services to improve overall effectiveness and extract high-performance. With over 15 years of experience helping social impact leaders manage change, she is a highly sought-after coach and trainer. Clients transform their lives and realize results faster via her insightful coaching and interactive seminars on wellness, leadership and team building. Colette is a certified instructor of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, FOCUS: Achieving Your Highest Priorities, and Coping with Work & Family Stressâ„¢. As co-host for Brooklyn Savvy TV, she facilitates substantive conversations about issues that impact women in Brooklyn and beyond. A featured contributor on Workplace Morale, her advice on Optimism and Motivation has appeared in Real Simple Magazine and Small Business Chronicle.

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