Photo of Jason Sundby


Jason Sundby has over 30 years of experience in operations, risk management, administration and IT leadership. He is CEO of Minneapolis-based Verde Environmental Technologies, Inc., creator of the Deterra Drug Deactivation and Disposal System and a privately-owned company committed to developing research-based scientifically proven solutions to reduce drug abuse, misuse, and negative environmental impact.

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Sundby is a founding partner of Atlas Capital Partners, a venture capital firm investing in companies that are post-revenue, on the verge of rapid growth, and possessing a defensible competitive advantage. Prior to Atlas, Sundby was vice president of corporate administration at Regis Corporation and director of risk management for the Star Tribune.


  • April 8, 2021

    Solving The Problem of Safe Medication Disposal with Jason Sundby

    Jason Sundby has over 30 years of experience in operations, risk management, administration and IT leadership. He is CEO of Minneapolis-based Verde Environmental Technologies, Inc., creator of the Deterra Drug Deactivation and Disposal System and a privately-owned company committed to developing research-based scientifically proven solutions to reduce drug abuse, misuse, and negative environmental impact. Sundby […]