Photo of Jeannie Gaffigan


Jeannie Gaffigan is an actress, producer, writer, philanthropist, mother of five and all around comedic force. She is most well-known for the comedy empire she created with her writing, producing partner, and husband, Jim Gaffigan, and is a New York Times Bestseller for her book, “When Life Gives You Pears.”

Jeannie is the writer and executive producer of The Jim Gaffigan Show which received critical acclaim for its two seasons on TVLand. She co-wrote and executive produced Jim Gaffigan’s comedy specials, Beyond the Pale (2006), King Baby (2009), Mr. Universe (2012), Obsessed (2014), Cinco (2017). These specials achieved platinum sales and three Grammy nominations. Jeannie is known for her creative films at the top of the comedy specials.

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Jeannie was the story editor on the two New York Times Best Sellers, Dad is Fat and Food: A Love Story. Jeannie’s New York Times bestselling book When Life Gives You Pears, a memoir chronicling her diagnosis, surgery and recovery from a Pear sized brain tumor, is available now wherever books are sold. She is also the director and a founding member of The Imagine Society.

Learn more about Jeannie at


  • November 25, 2020

    When Life Gives You Pears With Jeannie Gaffigan

    Jeannie Gaffigan is an actress, producer, writer, philanthropist, mother of five and all around comedic force. She is most well-known for the comedy empire she created with her writing, producing partner, and husband, Jim Gaffigan, and is a New York Times Bestseller for her book, “When Life Gives You Pears.” Jeannie was the story editor […]