Photo of Jody Boyman


Jody is an entrepreneur and life-long advocate for sustainable food practices, healthy eating and animal welfare. She has a background in whole-food, plant-based nutrition, marketing and sales and is committed to helping build a humane economy that feeds our deepest values while also fueling new levels of sustained prosperity. As Co-Founder & Chief Purpose Officer of Hungry Planet, and fueled by the firsthand challenges of eating plant-based since childhood and raising plant-based children, she is bringing to market the first full range of chef-crafted plant-based meats that are delicious and nutritious.

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  • October 19, 2021

    Chef-Crafted Plant-Based Meats with Jody & Todd Boyman

    Jody is an entrepreneur and life-long advocate for sustainable food practices, healthy eating and animal welfare. She has a background in whole-food, plant-based nutrition, marketing and sales and is committed to helping build a humane economy that feeds our deepest values while also fueling new levels of sustained prosperity. As Co-Founder & Chief Purpose Officer […]