Photo of John Schulz


Sustainability and AT&T go hand in hand, thanks to the company’s Director of External Affairs, John Schulz. Schulz says it all starts at the community level, where AT&T takes a hands-on role in various social and environmental affairs.

AT&T’s energy conservation efforts are large-scale measures. Schulz, like several thousand of his fellow employees, telecommutes regularly, saving the company bundles of energy, space and money. As well, much of AT&T’s information is being transferred to “the cloud,” greatly reducing once-necessary electrical loads. Even more impressive: AT&T is investing $565 million over 10 years in its alternative-fuel vehicle fleet.

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“We’re big into energy,” Schulz says of AT&T. “The technical stuff is not rocket science. What really makes a difference with energy is visibility [and] accountability. We’ve got a lot going in solar and wind right now. And water is critical — you cannot live without it. We recognize that that resource is under strain. [AT&T is honing] in on opportunities to be as efficient as possible.”
