Photo of Jonathan King


Jonathan King is Vice President of Corporate & Legal Affairs for TCL North America, and oversees the company’s environmental sustainability program. One of TCL’s original U.S. employees, he has steadily built TCL’s sustainability program into an industry leader. TCL has been recognized for its “above and beyond” policies that advocate solutions in under-served communities and promote public awareness of the benefits of electronics recycling. The program is a recipient of the EPA’s SMM Challenge Gold-Tier Award for two consecutive years. TCL is now the second-largest TV brand in North America and one of the largest vertically-integrated electronics manufacturers in the world.

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  • November 10, 2020

    Building a Sustainability Program Into An Industry Leader with Jonathan King

    Jonathan King is Vice President of Corporate & Legal Affairs for TCL North America, and oversees the company’s environmental sustainability program. One of TCL’s original U.S. employees, he has steadily built TCL’s sustainability program into an industry leader. TCL has been recognized for its “above and beyond” policies that advocate solutions in under-served communities and […]