Photo of Julie Sinistore, PhD


Dr. Julie Sinistore is a senior consultant who has worked at thinkstep since July of 2012 on the electronics and agriculture/bio-based teams in North America. She began practicing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in 2007 with her Master’s thesis research on the LCA of Wisconsin corn grain ethanol through the University of Wisconsin-Madison Agroecology program. She continued to work in this area of research at UW-Madison with a Ph.D. in Biological Systems Engineering.

While there, she used PE International’s GaBi software to conduct a far-reaching and comprehensive LCA on novel cellulosic ethanol production technologies and feedstocks (corn stover and switchgrass) in Wisconsin and Michigan. She also holds a B.S. in Natural Resource Management, with a minor in Environmental Policies, Institutions and Behaviors from Cook College of Rutgers University.

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Most recently, Julie was the Senior Life Cycle Analyst for Virent, a bio-based fuels and chemicals company in Madison, Wisconsin. In addition to conducting LCAs for Virent on their many catalytic pathways, she provided expertise on the relevant aspects of LCA and sustainability internally and to corporate partners such as Honda, Shell, Cargill and Coca-Cola.
