Photo of Cynthia Brevil


Who is the Karma Lady… aka Cynthia Founder of Karmalades? (The Karma Lady, a name loving bestowed on to her by several of her farmers market regulars) Physical therapist by day, eco-luxury cleaning maven by evenings/weekends. Cynthia is a physical therapist, health conscious crafter, painter, tiler, cook, foodie … and a true lover of all things eco-friendly and luxurious.

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Now, how did a physical therapist get into the eco-luxury cleaning game? Good question! As a child, I was raised with a consciousness that simple and natural is always the best. A value instilled by my mother who taught me and my sisters to sing about broccoli and cauliflower instead of the traditional nursery rhymes … I know! I take old school ingredients that grandma used to clean her house, baking soda, vinegar, etc., and whip them up into fun, natural – and even a little luxurious, dare I say – household cleaning products. My concoctions are not only effective but will surely bring a smile to your face every time you use them. Happy cleaning!
