Photo of Kate Fazzini


Kate Fazzini is an adjunct professor of cybersecurity at Georgetown University. She served as a cybersecurity reporter for The Wall Street Journal and CNBC here in New York City, and previously held cybersecurity roles at JPMorgan Chase and Promontory Financial Group. She is now CEO of a cybersecurity communications firm called Flore Albo LLC, one of Goldman Sachs 10,000 small businesses. Last year, her book, Kingdom of Lies, Unnerving Adventures in the World of Cybercrime was released, which included my in-depth interviews with a number of cybercriminals and law enforcement professionals.

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  • October 27, 2020

    Bridging All Aspects of Cybersecurity Together with Kate Fazzini

    Kate Fazzini is an adjunct professor of cybersecurity at Georgetown University. She served as a cybersecurity reporter for The Wall Street Journal and CNBC here in New York City, and previously held cybersecurity roles at JPMorgan Chase and Promontory Financial Group. She is now CEO of a cybersecurity communications firm called Flore Albo LLC, one […]