Photo of Kathrine Bejanyan


I grew up in California. Growing up my parents were quite strict and very focused on education. I quickly learned education was my way to greater freedom and personal agency. I started college pre-med but soon realized I didn’t like the subject and regularly skipped class but I found myself more and more drawn to psychology which came very easily to me. I switched over to psychology and did a study abroad program in London, where I promptly fell in love with the city and vowed to return.

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Seven years later after getting my Master’s I ended up in London doing a PhD focused on romantic relationships cross-culturally. I now run my own private practice in London. I work with individuals and couples on dating and relationship issues with a focus on building deeper intimacy, connection and authenticity in their love life. Outside of my private practice, I also have done consulting work for a high-end dating agency and taught university courses on social and cultural psychology


  • September 23, 2020

    Evolving Relationships with Kathrine Bejanyan

    I grew up in California. Growing up my parents were quite strict and very focused on education. I quickly learned education was my way to greater freedom and personal agency. I started college pre-med but soon realized I didn’t like the subject and regularly skipped class but I found myself more and more drawn to […]