
Leo Raudys is President CEO of Call2Recycle, North America’s longest running battery stewardship organization, working on a carbon and waste free future. As president and CEO at Call2Recycle, Leo Raudys is responsible for the strategic direction and overall performance of Call2Recycle.  Under Leo’s leadership, Call2Recycle is focused on leading the transformation of battery recycling through innovative, environmentally-focused end-of-life services and solutions to safely meet the rapidly evolving battery-driven market.

Prior to joining Call2Recycle, Raudys held the position of Environmental Director, Cloud Operations and Innovation for Microsoft. A published author and knowledge leader, Leo also served as Senior Director Environmental Sustainability for Best Buy, Deputy Commissioner at Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and taught corporate environmental management at the University of Minnesota.

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  • June 13, 2024

    Disrupting the Battery Recycling Space with Leo Raudys of Call2Recycle

    Leo Raudys is President CEO of Call2Recycle, North America’s longest running battery stewardship organization, working on a carbon and waste free future. As president and CEO at Call2Recycle, Leo Raudys is responsible for the strategic direction and overall performance of Call2Recycle.  Under Leo’s leadership, Call2Recycle is focused on leading the transformation of battery recycling through […]

  • April 29, 2021

    Transforming Battery Recycling Through Innovation with Leo Raudys

    As president and CEO at Call2Recycle, the country’s premier battery stewardship organization and program, Leo Raudys is responsible for the strategic direction and overall performance of Call2Recycle. Under Leo’s leadership, Call2Recycle is focused on leading the transformation of battery recycling through innovative, environmentally-focused end-of-life services and solutions to safely meet the rapidly evolving battery-driven market. […]