Photo of Laura Bucko


Laura Bucko is the Vice President/Director of Communications for the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce and founder of its Green Business Committee. She has been employed with the Chamber since June 2004. Laura has been instrumental in changing the focus of the chamber from a small community organization to a far-reaching, robust organization that serves many levels of the business community. By focusing on partner and member relations, recruitment, strategic partnerships, event coordination and outreach, this organization has flourished and has increased its relevancy by being a champion to NYC businesses during an economic downturn. Laura founded the Chamber’s Green Business Committee in June 2008, which has since grown to be the chamber’s largest, most successful initiative. Laura has also worked to create subgroups in the chamber for technology/digital media, healthcare, education and young professionals. Previously, Ms. Bucko worked as a junior agent and non-print permissions manager at Harold Ober Associates, a boutique literary agency that represents such authors as J.D. Salinger, Lois Lowry and the estates of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Langston Hughes. She also taught at a small private school in western Massachusetts for several years. She earned her B.A. in English Literature from Smith College and her Master’s in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College.

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