Photo of Melanie Chow Li


As Vice President of Mission and Sustainability at Danone North America, Melanie Chow Li helps to advance Danone’s nature, health, and communities goals, as well as the company’s mission to bring health through food to as many people. Melanie’s primary focus at Danone is to deliver the region’s impact strategy and roadmap, such as implementing cross-functional action plans for SBTi 1.5C by 2030 and driving the intersection of business and purpose by being a B Corporation.

Melanie is also a board member for Danone Institute North America (DINA) – a non-profit 501c3 foundation center managed founded by and funded in part by Danone North America. 


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Danone was recently recognized for the fifth year in a row as global environmental leader with triple ‘A’ score given by CDP. You can read more here:
