Photo of Michael Pellman Rowland


Michael Pellman Rowland is the Senior Portfolio Manager for The Vector Group, a wealth management team within Morgan Stanley that manages wealth for high-net-worth individuals, families, institutions and nonprofits by aligning their wealth with their worldview. A Vector Group portfolio could focus on investing in companies that are environmentally friendly, animal friendly and more depending on the respective client’s personal or corporate views. “There has been a misnomer out there about how sustainable, responsible investing somehow handicaps your ability to make money and that has really been one of the things that people have had to come to realize that in a lot of ways it can actually be a profit driver,” Rowland explains. “Our conversation with clients really centers on what their values are and how that can be applied to their portfolio.” Michael Pellman Rowland appeared on Green is Good on February 10, 2014. Visit The Vector Group at Morgan Stanley website.

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